Pisces – Mercury Retrograde Horoscope

Prepare to do a deep-dive into your relationships, Pisces. It’s time to evaluate your whole understanding of harmony and togetherness, because Mercury will station retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships on August 23. This may bring up the trauma of heartbreak and the sting of prior disappointments in your partnerships, but only so you can see how far you’ve come since these events. You’re healing, Pisces. In fact, you’ve been healing. It’s time to start processing how much progress you’ve made, because you don’t need someone else to complete you. A relationship thrives when two people feel inspired to come together rather than forced to. All you’re responsible for is fulfilling your end of the bargain, Pisces. This retrograde could put you back in touch with allies from your past—and even enemies—as you rediscover which relationships bring out the best in you and which don’t.

Once Mercury retrogrades stations direct on September 15, communication issues with your allies, enemies business partners and significant others will be easier to iron out. You may come to terms with certain relationships you’re ready to leave behind (and the relationships you’re in the mood to start back up again).

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