Virgo – Mercury in Taurus Horoscope

Mercury in Your 9th House of Travel, Philosophy, and Higher Learning

Time to expand your horizons, Virgo! Mercury, your ruler and the planet of communication and curiosity, ventures into your adventurous 9th house of travel, philosophy, and higher learning from May 15 to June 3, 2024. This is a great time to learn something new, take a trip, or explore a different culture. You may find yourself feeling more open-minded and curious about the world around you.

Here are some tips for Virgo during Mercury in Taurus:

  • Enroll in a class or workshop that interests you.
  • Read books about different cultures or philosophies.
  • Plan a trip to a new destination.
  • Have conversations with people from different backgrounds.
  • Be open to new ideas and ways of thinking.
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