Sagittarius: Mercury in Scorpio Horoscope

Sagittarius, as Mercury moves through Scorpio, your twelfth house of the subconscious and spirituality will be illuminated, pulling your attention inward. This transit is about diving deep into the hidden realms of your mind, where secrets, suppressed emotions, and unresolved issues reside. You’re usually focused on adventure and expansion, but during this period, you may feel more introspective. This is a powerful time for self-reflection, meditation, and spiritual exploration. You might feel the urge to step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and engage in activities that nurture your soul, such as journaling or deep, restorative rest.

Old memories or unresolved issues may resurface, but instead of avoiding them, take this opportunity to confront and heal. Your intuition will be heightened during this time, guiding you toward greater understanding of yourself and the spiritual lessons you’ve been learning. Don’t be afraid to explore the shadows within, as doing so will provide profound insights and emotional release. This is a time to cleanse your inner world and prepare for the fresh start that awaits you when Mercury moves into your sign. Trust the process, Sagittarius—clarity and wisdom will follow.

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