Sagittarius – Mercury in Leo Horoscope
As Mercury enters Leo, it asks you to step out of the ordinary. Tickle your tastebuds with unfamiliar flavors. Transform a corner of your bedroom into a makeshift temple. Watch a film that comes from outside anyone’s algorithm. Some of life’s most transformative journeys don’t require a passport — only your willingness to be a humble student of mystery.
With Mercury embracing the sprawling sweep of mythic time, you’ll be pondering your life from an aerial view. Explore the courses, master classes, meditation retreats, and spiritual paths that call you. Dare to be dramatic in your seeking. Show up at the cafe carting your heftiest book of spells.
Use July 23rd to dream-board your most expansive future life — and hold nothing back. July 28th could follow with a breakthrough in your wisdom quest if you allow yourself to play. Discoveries are often made when the mind is blissfully absorbed in something else, so embrace distraction now and then.