Libra – Mercury in Leo Horoscope
As Mercury enters Leo, you might need to turn off the notifications in the group chat. Whether you’re weaving together friend groups or testing the mettle of your brainchild against an audience, suddenly everyone wants to bend your ear. So cast your words as wide as possible. Cross-pollination gives way to new harvests after all.
The next few weeks will also show you that there’s nothing like a support group to keep you accountable to your dreams and schemes. If social facilitation helps unleash your oomph and creativity, sign up for a month of co-working, or research meet-ups and conferences in your field.
On July 23rd, a fruitful alliance or collaboration could be struck, so long as you circulate. Schmooze your heart out and RVSP to it all. If this co-conspirator has yet to manifest, write a list of their qualities and don’t be surprised if three of them materialize.