Aquarius – Mercury in Leo Horoscope
As Mercury enters Leo, your closest relationships offer their mirrors, reflecting the parts of you that are craving the stage. Allow your nearest and dearest to melt your aloofness and draw out your kittenish side. What makes you purr? It’s more than okay to indulge your inner diva from time to time and allow yourself to play.
July 23rd asks you to scheme and dream with your nearest and dearest. Nurture those who switch on your megawatt smile and banish energy vampires from your court. When it comes to partnership, your words will be your torch in the coming weeks. That means no guesswork, telepathy, or silent treatments — just clearly communicated needs with as much warmth and candor as possible.
July 30th, on the other hand, could feel like communications passing in the night. Accept this as a day when connection isn’t forthcoming and use the time to clarify what you want — what you really, really want — when it comes to partnerships everlasting.