Scorpio – 2024 May Monthly Love Horoscope

When your mysterious co-leader Pluto heads retrograde in airy Aquarius on May 2, you’re ready to reflect logically—almost analytically—on what you’ve been through these past few months. You can’t ever remain entirely emotionless, but taking a cerebral perspective helps during this reflective planetary passage.

On the third, your co-leaders Mars and Pluto form an optimistic sextile, giving you the determination and stamina to approach your relationship goals with strength and convictions. Other people can try to stop you from being happy, but when it comes to love, you always find a way to overcome big obstacles.

Wise asteroid Pallas is retrograde when it backs into your intense sign on the sixteenth, darkening your first house with suspicion and doubt. It’s possible that an assumption you made about a current or potential lover will be confirmed now, causing disappointment and confusion. Don’t take anyone or anything at face value.

When the sun partners with carefree Gemini on May 20, you become even more curious about someone. You realize you don’t know all there is to know about a crush or lover and it’s driving you crazy. What will it take to satisfy your inquiring mind, Scorpio?

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