Aries – 2024 May Monthly Love Horoscope

Your driven home planet Mars is giving you powerful motivation to get things done in your love life during its sextile to transformative Pluto on May 3. Don’t wase this energy, Aries. Go after what you want. Your stamina is legendary.

On the fifteenth, quick-thinking Mercury is out of retrograde and entering solid, predictable Taurus, giving you a chance to slow down and think strategically. If things between you and a current or potential partner have been getting heated (in all the wrong ways), this gives you a chance to cool down and think about things rationally.

On May 20, the warm sun drifts into air sign Gemini, targeting your communication zone and elevating your curiosity. You’re an expert flirt now and can talk about a wide range of topics with just about anyone. This is the perfect time to learn more about a crush or long-term love.

A full moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius illuminates the sky on the twenty-third, putting your love life into full-on adventure mode. Shake off the stagnant energy and get ready to embrace spontaneity. You won’t believe how light you feel once you put down the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around. It feels good to start the next phase of your romantic journey free of the burden.

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