Cancer – 2024 March Monthly Love Horoscope
Your emotions are strongly influenced by mother Luna, and with a new lunar phase in deeply sensitive Pisces on March 10, your mood will depend solely on how things are going in your love life. If things are good, you’ll be bouncing off the ceiling, but if they’re not, you might not want to get out of bed.
On the nineteenth, the sun also pairs with fiery Aries, empowering you with a strong sense of self and the confidence to go after what you want. Because we also welcome the spring equinox and the start of a new astrological year on this day, your romantic outlook is positive. True love is in your near future.
Lovely Luna welcomes a full moon and lunar eclipse in peace-seeking Libra on March 25, helping you resolve an issue with an ex or current love. Holding a grudge or staying angry at someone really only hurts you, Cancer. If they won’t give you the closure you need, take it. Let it go.
On the last but not least day of March, we see sacred asteroid Vesta entering your nurturing sign, inspiring you to focus on building a solid foundation with a current or potential partner. It’s time to put down roots and grow something special.
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