Libra January 2022 Horoscope

Libra January 2022 Horoscope

Libra, you’ll be in the thick of home and family activities as 2022 gets started. You might have forged new ideas and plans in the togetherness of the holiday season, and now you’re ready to make a few changes. These could include anything from making structural alterations to your home to redecorating to starting a small business to spending more time together as a family.

The new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 2 could be the catalyst that helps you get moving. If you have big ambitions for your place, this is the time to put them into action. Plan carefully, though, because a link to electric Uranus that day suggests that—in your excitement—you might gloss over important details, which could turn out to be expensive.

Dealmaker Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius on the fourteenth and turns direct in Capricorn on Feb. 3. You could experience unexpected disruptions, delays, and mixed messages during this time. Forewarned is forearmed, so try to prepare for any eventuality.

A full moon in a prominent zone on Jan. 17 could put you in the spotlight, even if indirectly. You might feel moved to share your feelings on a key issue, which could impact others and draw attention to yourself. Be sure you can cope with any criticism before you say anything.

The sun’s entry into Aquarius on the nineteenth lights up your romantic and creative zone for the next four weeks and brings a breath of fresh air into your life. It’s time to experiment and explore new interests as well as indulge in the ones you already have.

Warrior Mars moves into Capricorn and stirs up home and familial matters on Jan. 24. If you need to get rid of clutter and get your place back in shape after the holidays, you’ll have the energy and determination to go ahead.

Finally, Venus turns direct in Capricorn on the twenty-ninth, which can begin a process of making amends with someone after a period of disagreement.