Libra February 2023 Horoscope

Libra, the sun in your leisure zone until February 18 encourages you to let your playful side show. The coming weeks are perfect for exploring your creative talents and indulging in your favorite hobbies. Doing the thing you love most is a great way to refuel, and it will improve your mood too.
Plus, if there was ever a time to showcase your skills, this is it. Don’t let your talent go to waste. Someone somewhere might be eager to strike a deal with you.
The full moon in Leo and your social zone on the fifth could be tricky because it forges an edgy angle to electric Uranus in your sector of change. You might realize that you’re holding on to something or someone when it’s time to let go. This lunar phase could bring things to a sudden end or encourage a major shift that transforms a situation for the better.
As convivial Mercury enters Aquarius and your leisure zone on February 11, it’s a great time to learn a new skill, take up a hobby, or join a group or club of interest. If it’s a place where you can discuss and explore your unique interests, so much the better.
The sun’s move into Pisces and your lifestyle zone on the eighteenth is a chance to streamline your affairs. The coming four weeks are excellent for weeding out those activities and distractions that are a waste of time. If you do, you’ll have more of the day to focus on what’s important. And if you’ve neglected your wellness routine, you might be motivated to get back on track.
The new moon in Pisces on February 19 is the time to launch ideas, products, or services and jettison old habits and adopt new ones.
Finally, Venus enters Aries on the twentieth and lights up your relationship zone. Her presence here can add extra sizzle to an existing partnership and boost your confidence, especially if you want to break the ice and ask someone on a date.
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