Libra 2020 October Monthly Horoscope

Libra 2020 October Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2020: You start to have some very high expectations when your ruler Venus starts spending time in earth sign Virgo on October 2. When you start looking at things (and people) with a critical eye, you’re bound to see some details you don’t like. Do your best to offer up constructive criticism instead of straight-up disapproval.

We enter another dreaded Mercury retrograde period on the thirteenth, but this time you’re dealing with the emotional energy of Scorpio. There will be a lot of conversations about who did what to whom, and perhaps a lot of misplaced blame. Be sure to defend yourself when necessary, but own up to your mistakes as well.

The new moon on October 16 is in your peacekeeping sign, so you might be asked to act as referee when two friends are fighting, or be called on to be the go-between for a divorcing couple you know. Being in the middle can be an uncomfortable vantage point, but seeing things from both sides makes you a very qualified judge.

Venus enters your graceful sign on the twenty-seventh, and for the next three weeks you’ll be seeking quiet, tranquil romantic situations. You aren’t into any drama now, and you’ll happily give up something you want to make someone else happy. You’re automatically attracted to beauty, but you know better than to try to possess something that belongs to the world.