Leo June 2019 Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2019: You’re very expressive during the new Gemini moon on June 3, which helps your love life considerably. You’re also a massive flirt, and your charisma is off the charts. If you’ve been waiting for someone special to notice you, you should be happy with the reactions you get now.
You aren’t as loud and outgoing when normally chatty Mercury visits the Crab’s quiet, soft-spoken house on the fourth, but the subdued energy from this pairing helps you come across as caring and compassionate. There’s no need to put in any extra effort, Leo. The less you try, the better impression you make.
A sun-Jupiter retrograde opposition on June 10 gives you a renewed enthusiasm for love and reminds you that you can overcome just about anything. Don’t let past relationship failures get you down. Even if a breakup was your fault, it’s never too late to apologize and get closure.
Mercury moves out of quiet Cancer and into your sign on the twenty-sixth, prompting you to talk loud and proud about yourself and your accomplishments. If you’re on a date, make sure you let them talk, too. And attached Leos—remember that conversations with your partner should go both ways. Talking over and interrupting them won’t go over well.
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