Leo December 2018 Love Horoscope

MONTH OF DEC 2018: Your bright ruler sun forms a square to forceful Mars on December 2, resulting in a potential standoff between your tendency to overreact and your ability to be patient. Try to realize when someone is trying to get a rise out of you, Leo. Don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing their behavior bother you.
The sun-Neptune square on the fifth also challenges you, this time by taking away your motivation or enthusiasm for a romantic situation. If you’re ready to give up, that’s okay, but if you want to keep fighting, find a way to combat the negative energy surrounding you right now.
Mercury is out of retrograde on December 6 and moves out of Scorpio’s intense energy and back into freedom-loving Sagittarius a week later. It’s much easier to say what’s on your mind now, which can lead to some pretty interesting adventures!
The twenty-first brings a joyful Mercury-Jupiter conjunction that makes it difficult for you to be in a bad mood. Even if things aren’t working out exactly as you’d hoped, there is light at the end of the tunnel. And if you have hope, that should keep you smiling!
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