Leo April 2018 Horoscope

Leo April 2018 Horoscope

It’s time to clean house this month, Leo. This is both in terms of your physical wellness and your current work routine. Something you’ve been doing — in fact, a lot of what you’ve been doing — is not working for you. It’ll become impossible to turn a blind eye to this fact or to ignore making any necessary changes as April opens up.

Now, before you despair, recognize that while it might feel difficult initially, you’re in the process of building significant strength in the work and health areas. It’s like building muscle. The only way to do it is through repetitive strength training that breaks down existing muscle fibers first. That’s the symbolic way in which you’ll transform your current routine, work life, and overall wellness. Fortunately, the planets are here to help you through this process. If you’re willing to show up for your workout, then reward is promised. Pay close attention to the happenings between April 2 and April 4 since they’ll likely bring a turning point. Realizing that your current course of action isn’t working is only half the battle. Instead of getting angry at a mentor or other authority figure who’s trying to help, humble yourself enough to listen and absorb this person’s wisdom. You’ll receive the key to your future success.

The stress will lessen after April 15, and you’ll be ready to start implementing these changes full force. A “Eureka!” moment is likely thanks to a New Moon in your 9th House of Higher Learning on the same day that Mercury turns direct. You’ll be ready to move forward with a brilliant, alternative solution to what used to feel like an insurmountable problem. Again, it won’t be easy, but nothing worth having or doing is meant to be easy, so just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Soon, you’ll have reason to celebrate.

In other news, by the end of the month — on April 29 — a gorgeous Full Moon will illuminate your home and family sector. Heartfelt news from a relative is possible. You might also be gearing up for a major domestic change such as a move. You’re ready.


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