Leo 2019 October Monthly Horoscope

Leo 2019 October Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2019: Pluto makes a big move into a direct position in steady Capricorn on October 3, giving you the chance to make a major transformation. If you’ve felt like you’ve been stuck these last couple of months, this regenerative energy should feel like a big weight has been lifted off you.

A sun-Pluto square on the fourteenth increases your desire to be in control, but there are too many outside factors influencing the events in your life for that to happen. You won’t want to listen to authority figures, but guess what? Following orders from a boss or parent is just a part of life now.

Things get intense when the sun enters focused Scorpio on October 23, especially for your close personal relationships. You might try to keep something a secret for the next month, but those closest to you can tell when something’s up. Don’t lie to the people who love and trust you.

Frustration sets in during the Mars-Saturn square on the twenty-seventh, and you might take a defensive stand even when no one is accusing you of anything. Why are you so wary, Leo? Chances are good that the people in your life are only trying to help. Don’t shut them out.


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