Leo – 2024 June Monthly Love Horoscope

Your astrological month starts with your bright leader sun meeting up with romantic Venus in versatile air sign Gemini on June 4. All different types of people are attractive to you now, Leo, so the keyword to successful dating is “diversity.” Attached Lions love a good debate, and you might even consider arguing to be foreplay.

On the nineteenth, asteroid Vesta partners with your talented sign, allowing you to really shine under the spotlight. If you have an SO, hopefully they will support your hobbies, especially if you’re performing in front of an audience. Single? You won’t be for long unless you want to be.

A challenging sun-Neptune square on June 20 can be overwhelming, so try not to plan too much for this day. Going on a first date or trying to juggle more than one person’s attention at a time can backfire now. If you’re already involved with someone, you might have to cancel something you were really looking forward to in order to deal with a relationship problem.

Later that day, the sun moves into nurturing Cancer and your intuition zone, so get ready to give out some extra TLC. You’re there for a current or potential partner who needs your emotional support, and they won’t forget it. If you’re single and looking, your perfect match is an empathetic Pisces or attentive Virgo.

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