Pisces – 2024 June Monthly Love Horoscope

On June 2, a harmonious Mercury-Neptune sextile increases intuition and psychic premonitions, allowing you to use your subconscious to its fullest advantage in your love life. Your dreams reveal solutions to current relationship issues or details about your future soul mate that you won’t receive in any other form. Stay alert!

Loving Venus partners with sentimental Cancer on the sixteenth, sending you back to reminisce about a time, person, or place that made you feel loved, special, happy, and secure. If you don’t have that in your life now, you might be tempted to do almost anything to feel that way again. Don’t lose your current sense of self while trying to recreate the past, Pisces. It can’t be done.

An imaginative, creative union between Mercury and Cancer begins on June 17, allowing you to connect with partners or lovers on an intensely emotional level. Body language says a lot now. Pay attention to what your own is saying, as well as what other people are trying to convey to you now with their subtle gestures, motions, and touches.

When serious Saturn turns retrograde while in your empowering first house on the twenty-ninth, the past comes into focus again. This time, though, it’s better to dwell on getting closure instead of simply bathing in memories. Its time to own your strengths and forgive your mistakes. Your future happiness depends on it.

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