Aquarius – 2024 June Monthly Love Horoscope

When a new moon arrives in restless kindred air sign Gemini on June 6, you want, no, need to spend time with other people who appreciate things from an intellectual, curious, and offbeat perspective. If you can’t talk about anything and everything with your current SO or person you’re interested in, Aquarius, they’re not your perfect match. Period.

A more emotional vibe comes from the Venus-Cancer pairing that starts on the sixteenth, as your sixth house of hard work and everyday routine is hit with this nurturing, caring energy. You love to impress the people you care about (or are getting to know better) with actions instead of words.

As the warming sun follows Venus into compassionate, imaginative Cancer on June 20, you tend to take things a lot more personally than you usually do. If a current or potential partner makes a sarcastic comment, you spend way too much time thinking about what they meant by it. Unfortunately, overthinking things is an unavoidable part of this moody transit.

When Mercury sextiles your goofy ruler Uranus on the twenty-ninth, you’re ready to find ways to lighten things up. Love and dating are supposed to be fun, so if things have gotten waaaay too serious, it’s time to tell a joke or pull a prank. If you can make the other person smile, it’s all good.

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