Scorpio – 2024 July Monthly Horoscope

This month’s potent mix of planetary influences empowers your love life, starting when Pallas goes direct in your first house on July 9. This turning point in your journey of self-discovery sees you gaining renewed clarity on your strengths and talents, allowing you to strategically navigate the challenges that your love life brings. Take the next step with confidence, Scorpio, knowing you’ve got this.

On the fifteenth, a Mars-Uranus conjunction in sensual, patient Taurus urges you to instigate changes, but don’t expect them to happen quickly. Although you might feel a rebellious urge to break free from a current romantic situation that isn’t really working out, you’ll probably regret making an impromptu decision.

When your strong planetary leader Mars enters airy Gemini on July 20, it highlights your natural eighth house, aka your transformation zone. This curious, playful, yet intense energy leads you to pursue more open forms of communication than usual and encourages you to experiment in the bedroom. New sexual experiences are mind-blowing now.

Your confidence and willpower soar during the sun-Mars sextile on the twenty-fifth, which urges you to take your love life to the next level. This is the time to ask for someone’s number, propose, say “I love you,” or do anything else you’ve been too scared to do before this. You’re unstoppable!

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