Aquarius – 2022 July Monthly Love Horoscope
There’s a light, airy feeling to your conversations as Mercury spends time with witty Gemini early this month. And on July 2, a trine between Mercury and serious Saturn is ameliorated by your sign’s free-thinking energy, allowing you to say what’s on your mind without appearing overly focused on being right. A debate is great foreplay, Aquarius!
On July 4, fast-thinking Mercury is slowed by measured Taurus, and for the next few weeks you’ll be dedicated to getting the facts straight. Details are very important to you during this focused transit, so it isn’t likely you’ll miss an important anniversary or birthday or show up late to a date.
An upbeat sun-Uranus sextile on the tenth gives you the feeling that anything can happen, but there’s no need to try to force things. The Universe is full of interesting surprises now, and your love life gets a boost when you’re willing to just sit back and wait to see what might happen next.
You do a 180 during the emotionally charged new moon in attention-seeking Leo on July 28, especially if you aren’t getting admiring glances and compliments from the person you want them from the most. You aren’t usually the “everyone look at me” type, but this lunation draws out your inner drama queen.