Horoscopes For The October 2019 New Moon in Scorpio

Horoscopes For The October 2019 New Moon in Scorpio

At 8:39 p.m. on October 27, 2019, the new moon will be at 4°25’ Scorpio.


Still, with this new moon opposing retrograde Uranus in Taurus, some changes may catch us off guard. Unexpected events can force us to make radical changes at a moment’s notice—especially changes in our own thinking. We’re challenged to stay awake in the present moment and respond to what is, not what was.

Fortunately, Scorpio’s penetrating perception helps us pierce through surface appearances to the essential, underlying reality. Mercury is currently slowing down in the late degrees of the sign, where he’ll align with Venus on October 30 and station retrograde on the thirty-first.

As the mediator between our conscious and subconscious minds, Mercury retrogrades always have a kind of “journey-through-the-underworld” vibe. But that’s especially true when he’s navigating shadowy Scorpio territory, as he will be for most of the upcoming lunar cycle (October 31-November 20). Following his lead, we’ll be plumbing the depths of our own psyches and taking a fearless inventory of our thoughts, feelings, and desires. Attempts to communicate these to others may not go so smoothly, but right now, the more important thing is being honest with ourselves.

ARIES: Give and take, Aries: It’s a delicate balance. But while you’re pretty good at taking what you want, receiving it can be a whole different thing. Receiving is more passive—and for you, that’s not a comfortable feeling. Lean into the discomfort and see what happens.

TAURUS: Evolve or die, Taurus. It’s a fact of life for individuals and relationships alike. And as much as it hurts to admit, a once life-giving connection is starting to feel more like dead weight. Is it the person that has to go, or just your old ways of relating to them?

GEMINI: Metamorphosis is hard work, Gemini. And with so much of your energy being consumed by this internal, invisible process, you may not have as much left for outward activity as you think you do. At this new moon, focus on the sacred within you and the things that truly give you life.

CANCER: Peer pressure is real, Cancer—but not as real as the pressure you put on yourself. After all, if the crowd you’re running with is really your tribe, they’d never want you to sacrifice your own authentic self-expression for the sake of fitting in. And you shouldn’t, either.

LEO: It’s a crazy world out there, Leo! But when you’ve got your own house in order, it’s a lot easier to stay sane. This new moon challenges you to make lifestyle changes that will bring a greater sense of structure and stability in the face of all the chaos.

VIRGO: Life isn’t always fair, Virgo. But as hard as this can be to accept, obsessing over everything that’s wrong is unlikely to make things much better. Attachment to ideas about how life “should” be will only keep you from fully experiencing and enjoying it as it is.

LIBRA: Where are your dragons, Libra? At this new moon, it’s time to face your fears—and no one can slay these monsters but you! You may not believe you’ve got what it takes, but you can prove it to yourself by digging deep and stepping up.

SCORPIO: “Happily ever after,” Scorpio? You may have gotten your fairy tale ending, but somehow life still feels incomplete. It doesn’t necessarily mean something’s wrong—just that you’re ready to start writing the sequel! While some old storylines are being wrapped up, others will continue to develop in the next chapter.

SAGITTARIUS: The winds of change are blowing, Sag. And with some of your deepest fears and insecurities being stirred up, they’re threatening to huff and puff and blow your house down. Stand firm, and trust that whatever remains standing with you is built on solid ground.

CAPRICORN: Trade-offs are a fact of life, Capricorn. Choosing between seemingly incompatible desires or parts of ourselves is part of being a mature, responsible adult. But sometimes you get the chance to revisit the road not taken. At this new moon, reconnect with the “you” that’s radical, rebellious, and raw.

AQUARIUS: Get your game face on, Aquarius! An emotional situation may have you fired up or shaken to the core. But the more you can stay calm, cool, and collected, the more successfully you’ll get through it. Just remember: Being in control of your emotions doesn’t mean repressing them.

PISCES: You can’t always choose what happens to you, Pisces. But one thing you can always choose is the way you perceive and interpret it. That gives you a great deal of power to shape your own life—and at this new moon, that’s a power you shouldn’t take lightly.


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