Gemini September 2018 Love Horoscope

Gemini September 2018 Love Horoscope

Your home planet of Mercury is super active this month, beginning with a fun and flirty sextile with Venus on September 3. This harmonious aspect has a positive effect on existing relationships, and if you’re single, it gives you an air of approachability and friendliness that makes meeting new people a breeze.

The Mercury-Saturn trine on the seventh encourages you to finish what you already started before moving on to something new, so be sure to get that all-important closure on old relationships before proceeding to the next level with a current partner or on to someone new if you’re single.

Mercury trines Pluto retrograde on September 15, enhancing your communication skills but putting a somewhat darker spin on your interactions. Don’t use your powers of persuasion on anything negative, Gemini, because doing so will almost always backfire.

Mercury drifts into airy Libra on the twenty-first, giving you a balanced outlook concerning love. And even though you live for getting the verbal upper hand, your current sense of fairness won’t let you win a debate or argument without at least letting your partner or date have a chance to make their point.


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