Gemini 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

Gemini 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

YEAR OF 2020: Experiencing déjà-vu, Gemini? The south node in Sagittarius may be to blame!

The node of karma enters your opposite sign on May 5, dragging a lot of relationship baggage along with it. It’s easier to fall into old, familiar patterns… even if by now you’re well aware that they’re a dead-end street. This could mean having unrealistic expectations, overly idealizing a partner, imposing your own worldview onto them—or gravitating toward lovers who do this to you.

Fortunately, the north node enters your sign on the same day, making 2020 a powerful year for personal growth. Eventually, any person, pattern, or relationship that doesn’t support your evolution will have to go. No need to rush or force this, though—they’ll either fall away on their own, or you’ll know when it’s time to say goodbye.

With two back-to-back full moon/lunar eclipses in your relationship houses this year, you may be saying goodbye a lot. The first, in Sagittarius on June 5, highlights marriage and other partnerships, as well as the tendency to project your stuff onto others. The second, in Capricorn on July 4, tackles spicier topics like sex, money, and power dynamics. Both eclipses offer the potential for deep healing and release in these areas.

Speaking of Capricorn, 2020’s long-anticipated transits in the sign could have some major consequences for your love life. First, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction (January 12) holds you accountable for the energy exchange in your sexual relationships. Whether it’s long-term love or a casual connection, the foundation of mutual respect and integrity should always be the same.

Then there’s the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction, which happens three times this year (April 4, June 29, and November 12). This aspect digs up hidden treasures, but also some deep, dark secrets you might prefer to keep underground. Whatever comes to the surface, trust that it’s for the highest good of the relationship and all involved.

It’s trial by fire, Gemini, but keep the faith: The new moon/total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14 ends your year with the promise that, like a phoenix from the ashes, love always rises again.


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