Gemini 2019 Horoscope Overview

Relationships are mirrors, Gemini—and with Jupiter transiting your opposite sign for most of 2019, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for self-reflection!
This is especially true between May 5 and June 23, when four planets in your sign (Mars, Mercury, the sun, and Venus) face off with retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius. In a year when significant others often come first, these two months are a time to ask: “What about me?”
And with your ruling planet Mercury spending most of the summer in Leo (June 26-July 19 and August 11-29), you’re eager to be seen and heard. It may feel like no one’s listening, especially during Mercury’s retrograde from July 7-31. But don’t be a drama queen, Gemini—there are better ways to get noticed! Instead, look for more fun and creative ways to express yourself.
Still, some drama will be unavoidable in 2019. That’s got a lot to do with Uranus, whose entry into Taurus on March 6 kicks off seven years of rocking your world and blowing your mind. Radical revelations seem to come out of nowhere—and the sudden flashes of insight can be disorienting, to say the least.
Much of what’s coming to light this year has to do with ancient history. For better or worse, your childhood conditioning has remained a powerful influence on your adult life—but the Virgo new moon on August 30 gives you a chance to break the cycle. Along with four other planets in Virgo, this new moon trines Uranus in Taurus and retrograde Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn; forming a Grand Earth Trine that supports you in healing childhood wounds, transforming family relationships, and radically reinventing the way you “parent” yourself.
The best way you can care for yourself this year is to stay as grounded and centered as possible, conserving your energy and cutting out the distractions (social media, anyone?) that scatter your focus. After all, Gemini, there’s such a thing as “too much information”—so you’ll need to save your bandwidth for the stuff that really matters.
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