Full Moon in Aries Horoscopes – October 9, 2022

The fiery lunar moment will bring to light any conflicts stirring under the surface — and inspired you to assert your independence.
If you entered the world when the sun, moon, or another planet in our solar system was moving through fire sign Aries, you exude a dynamic, brave — and often competitive — vibe. Aries people are energetic, impulsive, curious, direct, at times innocent, and might steer toward self-focus — for better or worse. This fiery tone is owed to the sign’s ruler, Mars, which oversees energy, action, aggression, war, and sex. And Aries’ ability to stand in their sense of self and go into battle for anything they believe in is something that could be particularly highlighted during this upcoming lunation.
A full moon in the sign of the Ram will be exact on Sunday, October 9 at 4:55 p.m. ET/1:55 p.m. PT. With the moon opposing Venus, the planet of love, money, and relationships, and forming a pleasant sextile to taskmaster Saturn, this moment’s all about reconciling your needs with those of others in your life and deciding whether or not you want to do the work to strike a balance.
The full moon in Aries brings your needs into focus.
Full moons — which happen when the confident sun exactly opposes the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to wrap up projects you started six months or even two weeks prior. They’re culmination points, breaking points, and a chance to release anything that’s no longer serving you.
And with this month’s full moon falling in impulsive, impatient, and initiative-taking Aries — which is also the first sign of the 12-sign zodiac cycle — you might be itching to lay the past to rest so you can plow head first into the future with more verve than you even knew you had in you.
And given Aries’ association with the First House of Self, chances are you can’t help but identify super-strongly with your endgame now. Your needs, your dreams, your vision, your voice are all front and center now, highlighted and begging to be shared with the world — or, perhaps even more likely, a partner, a friend, a colleague. Because don’t forget: This lunation pits the moon against the sun — currently moving through partnership-loving air sign Libra, so we’re nudged to consider both signs’ objectives. And while the Aries moon wants you to honor your independence, identity, and personal goals, the sun (and actually, Venus, too — more on that in a moment!) is emphasizing the beauty and importance of reciprocity, equality, and balance within our one-on-one bonds.
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