Sagittarius – 2023 February Monthly Love Horoscope

Get ready to bathe in the exciting light of the hot Leo full moon on February 5! While in your ninth house of adventure, this lunation encourages you to break through traditional beliefs and roles and focus on enlightenment and advancement. No matter where you are in your life journey—if you’ve just met someone or been married for decades—this lunar energy allows you to grow closer and move to the next phase of your relationship, whatever that might be.

An open-minded Venus-Uranus sextile on the eighth brings unexpected events and gives you no other choice but to just go with the flow. As a fire sign, you can appreciate hot, spontaneous moments, and this aspect is full of them. Just enjoy whatever comes your way, Sagittarius.

On February 17, a relaxing Mercury-Jupiter sextile arrives and gives you the “everything’s going to be okay” vibe. If you get a little inkling about a love-related decision, be sure to follow it. Your hunches are spot-on during this intuitive aspect.

Impatient Aries starts hosting money-focused Venus on the twentieth, at which point your thinking regarding your finances become short-sighted. What about that vacation you and your partner were saving up for, or that new car you wanted to buy to impress potential dates? It’s easy to get sidetracked by shiny little things, but it’s better to keep your long-term goals in mind now.

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