Aries – 2023 February Monthly Love Horoscope

With the sun’s rays shining in airy Aquarius as the month starts, your outlook on love is curious but slightly distant. Where will this experimental perspective lead you? Being a love pioneer means questioning the things you thought you were already sure of.

A very intense and expressive Leo full moon on February 5 reminds you that whatever you’re feeling is okay, Aries. If you’ve felt like you’ve had to censor yourself and your emotions lately, let the floodgates open during this lunation. It’s time for your heart to be heard.

There’s a big energy shift as the sun leaves airy Aquarius for deeply sensitive water sign Pisces and your twelfth house on the eighteenth, causing you to rely on and trust your intuition more than usual. Your dreams are filled with images of what you truly want from love. Don’t ignore their obvious messages.

On February 20, romantic Venus partners with your powerful sign, followed by the emotional moon two days later. With both of these cosmic entities in your first house, your competitive drive takes over. Whether you’re single or attached, you’re determined to get what you want. You exit the month a winner.

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