Daily Tarotscopes – September 26, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Monday, September 26, 2022 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Five of Cups, reversed
The pain and sorrow of a breakup are finally behind you. You are no longer focusing on what happened with someone you once loved.
Instead, you’re ready to move into a bright future to find your soulmate, a person who will love you as you are.
Tarot card: Nine of Wands, reversed
You have to deal with your sense of doubt. It’s best to be honest with yourself at the beginning.
It’s one thing to be helpful, but when you know that a relationship is not meant to be, rather than continue to waste more time, be honest and let the other person know.
Tarot card: King of Swords, reversed
Sometimes, people lie to themselves because the truth is too hurtful to bear.
Right now, you may be telling yourself positive things to avoid the difficulty of grief.
However, the moment you can face the truth and say goodbye is the time when you turn the corner and move toward your healing journey.
Tarot card: Four of Pentacles
You are a master of time management today.
Your ability to command your schedule allows you to get much done and reach tried a few calls. You might even have time to relax and do something fun and playful.
Tarot card: King of Wands, reversed
It’s OK to admit you were wrong about a project or endeavor.
Acknowledging that what you are doing doesn’t work is an excellent step in the right direction. Right off your losses and find what will help you accomplish what you set out to do.
Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles
It’s time to take a break and evaluate where you are. You have earned this privilege.
You don’t always have to push through or continue to do things for others. But, it’s good to reflect and learn from your current experiences.
Tarot card: Page of Cups
People do like to gossip at times. You may hear something from a friend and wonder how it is that they know what they are saying is true.
It’s good to investigate and see whether or not there is any truth in their words. It’s better than ignoring what you’ve been told and later finding out you should’ve paid closer attention.
Tarot card: Four of Wands, reversed
Problems can be greater than your ability to manage them. That’s when you will want to get advice from a professional.
Don’t wait too long to take action; do what you have to do now before things get worse.
Tarot card: Two of Cups
You are finally in the presence of an equal. You have met someone who understands and thinks about things the same way you do, even though they are much different.
As a result, you can grow closer together and have an excellent conversation and knowledge exchange. This is a great opportunity for you to succeed.
Tarot card: Nine of Swords
A lot is going on in your life, and much of the drama involves people. There are very opinions and thoughts borrowing and your social network.
This drama can keep you up at night and cause you to feel overwhelmed and not know how to handle the conflicts.
Tarot card: Knight of Wands, reversed
There will be a delay in getting something done. This delay can be a point of frustration but a necessary evil.
You may find that there is something important that needs a little tweaking before you can start all over again.
Tarot card: The Hierophant
It’s good to honor tradition. However, sometimes it’s better to follow the status quo instead of breaking away and doing things your way.
There may be specific reasons why the rules are what they are, and once you are deeper into the process, you will understand why a change will not work.
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