Daily Tarotscopes – September 21, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – September 21, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, September 21, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Knight of Cups

What inspires fresh love and connection in your relationships, Aries? Instead of waiting for things to improve coincidentally, you can be intentional about making it happen. It could be as simple as thoughtfully asking your lover questions at the end of the day or ensuring to schedule time for fun and play.

This desire can apply not only to your lover but also to friendships and your relationship with yourself; notice what sparks energy and implement that.


Tarot card: Queen of Swords, reversed

Your vision may not be as clear when clouded by strong emotions, Taurus. Especially in certain relationships or scenarios in life, you can want something to work so badly that you don’t recognize how it isn’t and is not meant to.

During this time, the importance of a strong community comes in. They may be able to understand what’s important to you and what you deserve while having a clear vision to see something better than you.


Tarot card: The Hanged Man, reversed

Pauses in life have a purpose, Gemini. If you do not recognize your need to slow down and assess, life may make it happen for you. You may think that you must constantly be moving at full speed to attain all your goals and move forward.

You can unlock wisdom and direction when you slow down enough to recognize your intuition’s call. It may show you where you need to shift, as the things that have gotten you to where you are may not be fitting to get you where you want to be from here; old ways won’t open new doors.


Tarot card: Ten of Swords

Why do bad things happen to good people? If you hear something negative online or about a friend, it’s OK to be hurt if you hear something sad, Cancer.

Pain occurs in life, and you deserve the space to feel validated in your experience with those emotions. This is a wonderful time to invite self-compassion and hope in knowing that though it may be dark now, it never stays dark; the sun is rising again.


Tarot card: Knight of Pentacles

You are figuring out the balance and routine that works for you, Leo. When you combine a plan with your goals, you can quickly identify the daily actions that will get you there.

This makes success measurable and attainable. So, couple your natural energy and productivity in the day, set your daily goals, Leo, and establish the habits you want for yourself. While you may not be able to get it all done, tackle what is most important and find rest in knowing you did your best.


Tarot card: Five of Pentacles

Are you losing faith, Virgo? You may have been swept up in the busyness of life or the many things that captivate your attention. It happens, but these moments awaken your desire to search for more in life.

However, when your priorities, like spirituality, get less attention than they deserve, every other area may feel it. This is a wonderful time to connect yourself to nature or a higher power and put what is most important to you first.


Tarot card: Seven of Swords

Life hands you a gift today, and it’s a golden opportunity. It’s time to make your move, Libra! You are a sign that takes action, and you are great about tying up lose ends and taking what’s broken to make it whole.

You may want to start something new — like a project, a group or a hobby. This is a beautiful time to combine your surge of energy with the task at hand.


Tarot card: Five of Cups, reversed

Scorpio, you are taking steps forward and may feel ready to embrace things you weren’t before. You may feel a shift to welcome self-forgiveness and acceptance, which is beautiful and crucial in your healing journey.

It may enable you to stop carrying old burdens and walk in a renewed spirit. Additionally, forgiving yourself enough lets you move on to new and better things.


Tarot card: The Magician, reversed

When you feel led to start something new, don’t worry about figuring out every detail before you begin, Sagittarius. If you wait till you feel fully ready, you may never start.

Often, in your journey, you must learn as you go. Give yourself the freedom to be a beginner at something, start something new, and potentially make mistakes.


Tarot card: Knight of Wands

Are you in a state of fear or calm? Sometimes, people may do things they ordinarily would not do because the fear of missing out is so great. Trust in your future and the situations that you are in right now. Know that you’re right where you are meant to be.

Take a step back to allow yourself to gain an emotional perspective. If you have a big decision today or tomorrow, would waiting another day help? If you know what you want to do, move it off your plate by clearing your mind.


Tarot card: Ten of Pentacles, reversed

Strive to be better tomorrow than today. While it’s good to appreciate and savor what you’ve accomplished, don’t put your life on hold for too long. What do you want to do next?

Search for your next big dream. Think about the long game and envision what it will feel like when you have everything you have now, want to have — and more.


Tarot card: Death

Be the initiator of your life. If you dislike something, you don’t have to pretend everything is OK with you or wait for the other person to end things.

You may discover the feelings are mutual. Ask to end your involvement. Approach the conversation with tact and logic. Your reasons may be more apparent than you realize.


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