Daily Tarotscopes – September 19, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, September 19, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Seven of Cups
It’s time to fill your love cup, Aries. You’ve been burning your emotional candle from both ends, and you’re tired at a soul level. The Seven of Cups lets you know that you can recover your energy so you’re back to your bouncy and cheerful self. It’s going to take cutting out a few things on the schedule so that you can pencil in some me time. Even if you plan to just stay in bed and doze off and on all day, it’s good for you. Your body needs it, so take care of it.
Tarot card: Six of Wands
it’s hard to believe so much time has passed, and when you look back at the relationships you’ve created, it’s heart-warming to think that some of those friendships are from childhood. The Six of Wands invites you to celebrate the bonds you’ve maintained throughout the years. It’s wonderful to have good, long-lasting friends.
Tarot card: The Devil
You know you’re not supposed to do the thing you promised yourself and others you’d quit. You might be struggling to give up a smoking habit or to stop vaping because you want to turn over a new leaf and be healthier now. The Devil tarot card is an empathetic one today, as it indicates there’s going to be some cravings to go back into your old habits. Call up a friend. Pick a lesser of the evils today. Acknowledge that you feel the way you do, but try not to backslide into a pattern you’re set on moving away from.
Tarot card: Page of Cups
You’re in a sentimental mood, and when you hear something sweet or watch a video of a person demonstrating an extreme act of kindness it moves you in a big way. Today connect with that sentimental side of you. The Page of Cups indicates that you benefit from allowing your feelings to grow when it comes to love and all the compassionate things people do in the world.
Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles
Sometimes people like to argue and money is one subject that can trigger everyone. Today’s Nine of Pentacles reveals that financial matters are a sore spot for nearly every person you meet today. You might want to avoid sharing about your latest expensive purchase. While it’s wonderful to get a luxury item you can afford, sharing your joy could insight jealousy in others. So be careful.
Tarot card: Two of Cups
You have a lot going on, and when you’re caught between moments of sadness and happiness it’s super tough to balance. Today you might struggle with feelings that you have not had in a long time. You could be working through the grieving process and not realize it. Allow yourself to be human and not shove feelings down to avoid their complexity. Instead, journal about them or talk it over with a good friend.
Tarot card: Page of Wands
it’s never easy to be the one to give someone news that they may or may not like. Today, you might be on the receiving end of a person’s message. You will ask yourself who they think they are to tell you it. You could have expected it to come to you in another way. Don’t dismiss what you hear because you dislike the source, Libra. Investigate it and validate the message, but don’t turn a deaf ear out of pride.
Tarot card: The Empress
You take on a leadership role today when you get the Empress tarot card. You’re leading by love and through nurturing energy. You are taking everything you have in you and sharing it with another person from the depths of your heart. Don’t be shy about wearing your heart on your sleeve. There’s so much good to your kinder side, and you will enjoy exhibiting your motherly nature to people who appreciate you being this way.
Tarot card: Page of Swords
Today is one of those days where small minds may argue over petty things and you’ll find yourself wondering why everyone is angry over nothing. The Page of Swords can manifest in ways that you’d not expect it to. A near hang-up of the phone when you dislike the tone of a friend, or a delete of a friend’s friendship on social media because you felt their political post was too much. Today can be hardnose energy so be mindful. This too shall pass.
Tarot card: Three of Swords
It’s amazing that someone would rather cheat or step out of their relationship than just break up. But today you might discover a person who is being unfaithful. Their infidelity may well only be emotional, and you could feel like telling your friend what you perceive. Today, wisdom is in deciding how to handle this scandalous news and avoid getting into gossip. Perhaps the truth will come to light on its own.
Tarot card: King of Cups
You are often a person who considers information carefully before jumping to conclusions but today you’ll act differently. You’re passionate today, and it’s with this passion you feel that you’ve decided to act with strong conviction. Some people lead with logic and reason, but today you’re leading with your heart.
Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles
You’ve been looking for a new way to make money, and today you have hit a gold mine of an idea. You’ve got a great business vision and it’s time to search for support and expert advice. You don’t want to set this one down. Find out if it’s viable and then roll with it.
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