Daily Tarotscopes – September 15, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – September 15, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Friday, September 15, 2023 by zodiac sign.


7 Pentacles

Money issues will be sorted out today. Money finances, loans and other fiscal matters will need your attention. Things will be moving well, and you’ll be feeling hopeful about the future with good cause. You may have to decide whether to put your money and energy into the things, people, and situations with whom you already are involved or whether to bring more into your life. Choose wisely.


Knight of Cups

You have an opportunity to do what you have been really looking for. This is a good time to express your feelings to your partner whom you love. You may take time out for spending time together to a lovely place. There will be emotional discussion in your family. Good news the cards. Those looking for love and want to tie nuptial knot, should be hopeful, as their wish is going to fulfill soon.


Queen of Swords

You will be in position of power, expansion and to say your views forcefully . Your communication and logic are so strong that it is difficult for you to emotionally evaluate the situation. This may cause friction in the family. Conflicts between mother in law/daughter in law, father and son are likely. If you are in job get prepare to face the sharp words of your boss. Find out the ways to keep you chill and in senses.


The Star

You may expect at this time the good results of your past efforts. You will benefit from helping others and something you wanted will be given to you when you are least expecting. This is an excellent time to take the initiative and dream big, stars are favorable to you. Invest your energy in something constructive. Make sure you do not dissipate your energy reserves in wasteful endeavors.


King of Swords

Leos are king and live life king size today. It is your personal grit that owe to you. You could be ruthless if the situation demands, especially when you deal with relationship and financial matters. You will be extremely demanding and authoritative. Or a man in your work environment may behave or talk to you in a way that you find bothersome. Before the conflicts take place you control the situation. This may happen in relationships too.


The Magician

You may be inspired by glamour and fashionable trends today. Some eye catching and attractive ads will work like magic and you feel tempted to spend money. Remember all that glitters is not gold. Curb your habit of temptation. The smart sycophancy of your junior at work place or spouse may win your hear. Your imagination can go into overdrive and you believe whatever is presented to you is true.


Knight of Wands

You are optimistic and enthusiastic about your ideas. A person of tremendous energy and vitality today you can take any challenge and turn it in your favor. You may have to travel, so be ready with your bag and baggage. Noone at present has the power to hold you back. Your ideas and plans may appear crazy at first but which are likely to be quite creative and useful, rather you find flaws and impracticality in others plans.


King of Cups

You are moody, very demanding and hypothetical person. If you are in a relationship, you find nothing interesting; your thoughts are dreamy, fantastic and faraway right now. You lose your originality out of obsession and suffer from serious error of judgment. . This can be very confusing time when you do not know exactly what you want. Meditate and focus on your priorities at this time.


Two Cups

Some good news is on the cards. There will be perfect bonding with the spouse, you share some good moments. Those who are looking for life partner, this is the good time when a decent person with virtues and attributes may enter in their life. Business person find it easier to work in partnership for the same motives. Working environment will be comfortable. You have the ability to accommodate the two contradictory and take things in your stride.,


The Hierophant

A great day for spiritual activities, you feel calm and gratified while doing so. Community prayer, working for some religious organization, NGO etc will be extremely fulfilling. Someone new will come into your life and try to manage your career or promote you to more prominent position. Be preparing to seek an advice from senior person in the family. It will be better to seek blessings from parents/guru before going to work today.


4 of Cups

You may feel disheartened by the way your spouse behaving with you, or some unsuccessful venture. Isolation and disconnect yourself from the outer world is on the cards. There is a wakeup call too that says, buck up you are going to get an offer of new job, financial assistance or good sum of money as a gift. You can plan for big things for future. Be clear, decisive and convincing right now, repressed emotions may take you nowhere. Be cheerful as you can.


Page of Wands

A new spark of creativity and absolutely new ideas are likely to take you on a new journey. You are filled with hope and optimism, you look promising and committed. This is a very creative energy, utilize this fullest. Exploration, investigation and research work before you go ahead with this new venture will be in your favor. There may be news of child birth, marriage or conception in the family that is all the more encouraging and overwhelming you.


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