Daily Tarotscopes – October 7, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Friday, October 7, 2022 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Nine of Wands
While what you are going through can seem to be wavering you down, they are refining you.
View your trials and struggles as an opportunity to stand tall when times are tough.
Tarot card: The Hanged Man, reversed
Take the time to step back and ask the hard question, “why?” What is driving your actions?
Before rushing into any decisions, learn to accept wise counsel and observe the true intent of your efforts – is it to hide, cope, or treat the symptom of an issue rather than the core problem?
Tarot card: The High Priestess, reversed
In a world where something is always demanding of your attention, learn to cut out the noise and be still.
So much clarity and wisdom can come from a place of quiet and curiosity. Get to know your own voice and the truth in it.
Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles
Continue to work on being more long-term fixed.
Have patience with the seeds you are planting and watering; you do not know the ways they could bloom.
Tarot card: Knight of Cups
Every day is an opportunity to connect with your soul. Read good books and enjoy quality conversations with others.
Protect your heart so that when something harsh comes your way you’ve strengthened yourself and are ready to take on life’s battles.
Tarot card: Eight of Wands, reversed
It’s normal to want to rush ahead towards your dreams, but haste can cause you to miss out on enjoying the journey. It’s wise to make a plan and map out your next steps.
Tarot card: The Emperor
There are plenty of reasons to feel angry, but your feelings do not have to always get the best of you. You are in charge of your emotions, so make wise choices about how you would use your energy.
Tarot card: Justice, reversed
Sometimes people get away with doing bad things, but that does not mean it won’t catch up to them eventually. Life can give people just enough time to make the right choice; you never know what’s going on behind the scenes.
Tarot card: King of Pentacles
Manifest your dreams. Once you set your mind to do something, things start to fall into place.
What you need, and the people you are meant to meet, all start to cross your path.
Tarot card: King of Wands
Everyone has a dark side and people often hide their negative personality traits from the world. It’s hard to admit your own flaws and shortcomings, but when you take ownership of them and agree to work through them, that’s when the magic starts to happen.
Tarot card: Page of Swords
The truth is hard to accept at first, but it’s brave and courageous to hear an important message and take it to heart. You will be so glad that you did not close your eyes to what you needed to see.
Tarot card: The Empress
Every day you become a brand, new person.
You may not feel as though you have changed, but there are always moments that cause you to grow into someone stronger than you were before in the past.
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