Daily Tarotscopes – October 12, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, October 12, 2022 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Magician
It’s always important to think for yourself, Aries. You have a good head on your shoulders. Even though you may not feel put together at all times, you will figure things out.
Tarot card: Page of Wands, reversed
Chaos is often the first stage of growth and change. When you are about to have a breakthrough, few things feel in order. Take time to organize your thoughts and give yourself room to plan.
Tarot card: Judgement
You are learning to make wise choices and decisions. A few bumps are to be expected along the way. But with a little bit of experience, you’ll be an ace!
Tarot card: The Tower, reversed
Not every problem deserves your energy. Some situations resolve themselves on their own. You may not need to focus on what worked or what didn’t.
The universe handles it when you finally decide to let go and let God.
Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles
A fresh start is what you need. When you have a chance to clear the slate and start all over again, do it.
There’s something magical about knowing you don’t have to conform to the past. You get to decide what direction you will take from this point on without the burden of the world defining things for you.
Tarot card: Queen of Wands, reversed
In a relationship, two people who come together can lose themselves in each other.
You don’t want to give up who you are for the sake of making someone happy. Today, remember to include yourself in the equation of joy.
Tarot card: Six of Swords
No one should become a prisoner of their past, and neither should you. There are times when you talk to yourself as though you have not changed, but you have, Libra. It’s time to own the beautiful person you have become inside and out and let what is done remain behind you.
Tarot card: Nine of Cups
You deserve to have a day where you allow yourself to have fun and enjoy the things that you often say no to.
If you want cake, treat yourself. if you want to sit down and enjoy a movie instead of doing the laundry, go for it. Kick back and relax. The world can wait.
Tarot card: Nine of Wands, reversed
Today may not go as smoothly as you would like it to, but that does not mean the whole week will be a bust.
There are moments when you just have to give yourself grace and not worry too much about things you cannot control.
Tarot card: The Devil, reversed
You are rising above the temptation you felt earlier in life. You learned what triggers you and causes you to stumble.
Now, it’s time to focus on what lifts you up and causes you to rise above the noise and succeed.
Tarot card: Three of Wands, reversed
Sometimes a goal is set and unreachable because it’s not the right thing for your life. You had to experience the journey because its intent was to grow you into the person you are today.
Tarot card: The Hermit, reversed
You will not settle for being a wallflower today. Your voice wants to be heard and your message shared with others.
You are the teacher, friend, family member and mentor someone needs in life. It’s your turn to share wisdom with those who need to hear the power of your story.
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