Daily Tarotscopes – November 6, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – November 6, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Sunday, November 6, 2022 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Seven of Cups

Dreams are where nearly every project starts. You are becoming more in tune with your heart’s desires and what the universe is calling you to.

You may not see the road or how things will map themselves out, but there is always the first step and that’s giving yourself permission to be happy.


Tarot card: Seven of Wands, reversed

There is a lot of pressure to perform and to have everything be perfect. You have grown cynical underneath the pressure, but that does not mean you have to allow it to jade your hope.

Being happy is a choice, Taurus, and you can choose joy no matter what circumstances you face.


Tarot card: The High Priestess

There is a light inside us all and when you feed your spiritual nature it shines brighter than ever before.

Today make it a point to connect with your inner being. Life is so much more than just keeping both feet on the ground.

You must adapt to all experiences during this evolving paradigm shift.


Tarot card: The Hanged Man, reversed

You may have missed out on something you thought you wanted or needed, but that does not mean all opportunities have passed you by.

Regret can be the greatest motivator to seize the day the next time you have the chance to YOLO.


Tarot card: Temperance

Patience is a virtue, but not everyone is going to act the way that they ought to when the moment arises.

You may be pushed and tested today beyond what you perceive to have been your limits.

There are moments when you simply have to accept your human side and do better the next time around.


Tarot card: Five of Wands, reversed

The worst is behind you, and when you look back at the journey you’ve completed it helps you to see how resilient and powerful you can be.


Tarot card: Knight of Swords, reversed

The fear of missing out can be hard to handle when you feel like you need to make a decision before you are ready to do so. Ask for more time, Libra. You may be afraid to hear the word no, but you won’t know unless you try.


Tarot card: Eight of Swords

The walls feel like they are caving in around you but you may not think you can escape this world you’re in, but there’s only one thing truly stopping you from being free: a decision. There’s always a wy out even if it’s difficult. Only you can decide what you’re willing to pay for the cost of living the life you want to have.


Tarot card: Page of Cups

Leaving what makes you feel safe can be hard to do because of fear of the unknown. Ther are lots of questions and many remain unanswered. However, you won’t know what they are until you are ready to take a leap of faith and try.


Tarot card: Two of Pentacles

You have an abundance mindset but that does not mean you aren’t frugal when you know that you have to make a financial decision.

Consider all the costs to see what makes the most sense for you at the moment. The future may be able to figure itself out.


Tarot card: Queen of Cups, reversed

You were wrong, and that can leave you questioning your intuition altogether.

One small lapse in judgment does not negate all your thoughts and feelings. When you feel tired and lonely those can impact the way you make decisions. Grant yourself some grace.


Tarot card: Knight of Wands

So many things you’d like to do at this time, Pisces. You may be holding off on your dreams thinking that better circumstances are coming. But today is the best you have now, so use the time wisely.


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