Daily Tarotscopes – November 3, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – November 3, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Thursday, November 3, 2022 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Moon, reversed

Trust is super hard to rebuild after someone you cared for breaks it.

You may not realize the impact of a person’s actions until days after when the reality of what was done sinks in. However, with time and forgiveness, you can rebuild the friendship. You may not let all your guard down right away.

They have to earn your belief in them, but you might decide to give them another chance if they seem to be sorry enough to you.


Tarot card: Death

Endings are never easy to navigate or manage. You have been going through some challenges that make it seem like a change in scenery or life can be a smart decision.

You are going through the motions today just because it’s easier to do anything rash at this time. You’ll find your solution, Taurus. For now, you are thinking a lot about the future.


Tarot card: The Empress, reversed

All relationships go through ‘stuff’ and it’s completely normal that the closer you become the more tension you will experience.

You want to know your person, and that also includes their quirks and habits. There will need to be adjustments, but this is part of the experience when you grow to love after dating for a while.


Tarot card: Three of Pentacles, reversed

Everyone is doing the best that they can, so there will be some competition in the workplace. There can only be one promotion, one leader, and so the best rise to the top.

However wonderful it may seem to be to have a good title and salary while calling the shots, you might not enjoy the responsibilities that come with that role. A part of you may actually be much happier where you are now.


Tarot card: Five of Wands, reversed

Finally, signs of relief and relaxation are coming to you.

You have pushed yourself through the worst part of the week and now it’s time to slide into Friday. The week felt like it dragged on forever, but the weekend is coming. TGIF!


Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune, reversed

An inopportune event can appear to be the worst moment of your life, but what if it’s the breakdown of a false belief you held on to for too long?

The universe knows when you are headed in the wrong direction. So, you may have been given a gift in the form of a shock. This grabs your attention and plants your feet in a new direction.


Tarot card: The Tower, reversed

You dodged a bullet, Libra. You saw this problem coming from a mile away, and the toxic person was sent to voice mail.

This was a person who only calls when they need something. You didn’t let the time suck happen. Instead, you focused on what mattered most at the moment and avoided being derailed by an emotional vampire.


Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles

A relationship is starting to show a sign of promise. You have been hoping that this person would recognize your sincerity and interest in them.

You may not have thought they would ever feel the same way. But, look… they reciprocated your efforts. Perhaps there’s hope after all?


Tarot card: Queen of Wands, reversed

The sad truth is that some people do not love their job and it shows by the way that they provide service to others. They act barely interested. They only do the minimum amount. Their effort is not going above.

They need the money, and unfortunately, life does not allow them to make a change right now. It’s hard, but not a reason to judge. Maybe you can encourage them to strive for better and to pursue their dreams in the same way you have.


Tarot card: Six of Swords

Your dreams are yours, and you can decide when you want to go for them or when you want to pull the plug and drop the ball.

You may not want to try or put in the hard work. There’s a comfort in doing less right now and you’re OK with that. The holidays are coming and next year may seem to be better.


Tarot card: Seven of Swords

People who are jealous are the first ones to start stabbing you in the back.

They want what you have. They need to feel validated and if that means throwing a person who is hard at work under the bus, then that’s what needs to happen.

You have to stay strong, Aquarius. When people start showing you what they really think, it means what you are doing is making an impact.


Tarot card: Two of Cups, reversed

Today, it’s a breakup but tomorrow you may get back together again. A little bit of space can help you both to gain perspective.

Distance is helpful when you are too close to the problem you can’t see clearly. Use this time to think and to see your part, and when things cool down, talk it through.


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