Daily Tarotscopes – November 26, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, November 26, 2022 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Three of Wands, reversed
Save time, Aries. Today may not be the best day to start a new project. Wait until you have the ability to focus and can dedicate yourself to completing the task.
Tarot card: Four of Pentacles, reversed
Don’t buy more than you need, Taurus. With so many things on sale, it can seem as though now is the right time to purchase big-ticket items. But you may have buyer’s remorse later, and regret going over your budget.
Tarot card: The Lovers, reversed
It’s OK to be unsure about the future. When you are in a new relationship a lot of things can happen. You might not know if you’re ready to leap into such a big commitment. A part of you may feel as though you need time to think things through.
Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles
Joint finances can become complicated. When you need to talk about how to spend your money today, coming to an agreement won’t be easy.
Tarot card: Ten of Wands
You have a lot on your plate. Today can be busier than usual, and it can seem like one thing after another, but five o’clock rolls around quickly.
Tarot card: Seven of Wands, reversed
It’s time to put your plan into action. Once you have laid the foundation of your project, there’s little time to waste. The sooner you can get things to completion, the better.
Tarot card: Ace of Swords, reversed
You may feel as though you’ve lost a little bit of control. People tend to do what they want, and even though you give good advice and are there to help them make wiser, better decisions, not everyone is going to listen.
Tarot card: The Stars, reversed
Prayers do not always get answered in the way that we thought they would, but when the universe steps in, it gives us what we need. That is often better than what could ever have been imagined.
Tarot card: Justice, reversed
Karma does not always deal with justice where we can witness it happening.
You may never see a person get what you think they deserve, but that does not mean that their consequences escape them. It simply means their life has taken a different direction from yours.
Tarot card: Eight of Wands
Life moves fast after college, Capricorn. You can have some fun now, but then it’s time to get to work and build the dreams you have envisioned for your future.
Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles
Your intuition is spot-on. You have caught a glimpse of your future through a dream or a vision, now all you have to do is claim your right to what is already yours.
Tarot card: Five of Wands, reversed
Good news. A problem you have been struggling to work through is over. Take a deep breath and relax. The worst is behind you and now it’s time for your rainbow.
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