Daily Tarotscopes – November 19, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – November 19, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, November 19, 2022 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Two of Wands

Something has changed, Aries, and now you have a clear idea of what it is you want to do, and guess what?

You are ready to follow through and form a plan to get what you’re after. This is a big deal because now that you know what you’re aiming for, nothing can stop you now.


Tarot card: Seven of Cups

You can be such a flirt at times, Taurus, yet deep down inside you’re dreaming of forever with your one and only true love.

Hiding behind your smile and coy jokes may work for now, but maybe it’s time to say how you really feel?


Tarot card: King of Cups

You know when something is the right thing to do, even if it’s not what you would have wanted for yourself.

You are ready to put the needs of someone else before your own. You know that when you love someone you set them free, and if it is meant to be, it will.


Tarot card: The High Priestess

Listen to your inner voice, Cancer. When you tune into your heart you can sense the things you need to know from a soul level.

Love can be so confusing when you focus on what’s temporary, but when you look at the big picture, suddenly clarity comes back to you once again.


Tarot card: Three of Pentacles

You are ready to make a commitment to someone, Leo. It has been so long since you felt this way, but things are starting to change.

You are feeling more open to the idea of allowing someone into your life. You are willing to take a risk when it comes to love.


Tarot card: Nine of Wands

You cannot help someone who refuses to do the right thing for themselves. There must be an inward desire to grow stronger and to be better as a person.

You hoping to talk a person into a better choice through logic and reason may last for a moment, but in the long run, you will become exhausted and realize later that it was a waste of time. Let the person learn on their own terms.


Tarot card: Queen of Cups

Your heart is on your sleeve, and when you feel like you need something or someone to love, try to channel that energy in a positive way.

Do a charitable act, like pay it forward by buying someone’s coffee or purchase an Angel gift to donate to a store to gift to a child in need.


Tarot card: Five of Wands

Life can be busy and a bit crazy right now.

The chaos of the end of the year can make it seem as though there is more to do than hours in a day.

This feeling of constant demand can put you on edge and cause conflict with others. A sense of humor can go a long way to make things a bit easier.


Tarot card: The Fool

You long to be free, Sagittarius, so when you see the door of opportunity opening for you, there’s no hesitation, you’re running toward it.

You don’t care what it is you’ve left behind because, in your mind’s eye, nothing can be better than your freedom.


Tarot card: Six of Wands

A pay bonus or some sort of compensation as a reward is on the way for you, Capricorn.

A pay raise may be in the works after a positive review of your performance at a job.


Tarot card: The Emperor

Argumentative is an understatement, for someone who has an attitude at the office. You can tell when a person is in a foul mood from a mile away.

Don’t take their arrogance personally today. There can be other things going on that are influencing their vibe and mindset.


Tarot card: The World

You are in luck, Pisces. You have a great opportunity that you will not want to miss out on.

You may feel afraid to leave a job you’re in now, but this new role could mean better pay and benefits for you. It may be hard to say no to once you receive the job offer.


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