Daily Tarotscopes – May 3, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – May 3, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, May 3, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Empress

Feelings matter. You have intense emotions today. It’s hard to articulate what your emotions are when you feel overwhelmed, but try your best to be communicative. The conversation is worth having.


Tarot card: The Sun

This is going to be a good day. You have so many wonderful things to look forward to. There’s an abundance of blessings coming your way, and you get to enjoy the best that life has to offer.


Tarot card: Temperance

Don’t overthink things. You’re a bit worried and feeling anxious. A piece of a puzzle feels as though it is missing, and your mind won’t rest until you’ve figured it out.


Tarot card: The Hanged Man

You’re done with waiting. Things are not what you thought they would be, and too much time has passed. There’s a point where you have to just throw in the towel. It’s not failure, but it is a waste of time to keep going when you sense a situation will not get better for you.


Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune

Luck is here because you’ve created it for yourself. You have been working so hard that the momentum of success is flowing. What you want and need is coming to you because you’ve earned it.


Tarot card: The Fool

You’re ready for this moment. The future is waiting for you and you cannot wait to start the next chapter of your life. You are going to start the day by jumping out the gate. Nothing to hold you back from your dreams.


Tarot card: Judgement

Think before doing. You might feel confused today with so much information coming at you at once. Take your time. There’s no need to hurry. Haste makes waste; so slow down and be meticulous.


Tarot card: The Moon

There’s a little bit of deception taking place. You have been fooled by what you thought was a real friend, but they are hiding their true colors. You see things for what they are now. You don’t have to pretend to keep the peace. If you have to cut ties, cut them.


Tarot card: Death

Endings are almost always sad, but a part of you will experience relief once you get past the initial shock. You did the best that you could. Life moves fast and forward; you need to, too.


Tarot card: The Devil

Temptation happens, but you don’t have to cave in. Someone is dangling what appears to be an opportunity, but this imperfect offer is not what it seems. Pay attention to the red flags you can spot easily. Eventually the craving will pass.


Tarot card: Strength

Push back, Aquarius. You may feel a tad intimidated sometimes, but it’s OK to roll up your sleeves and challenge the status quo. Life is more than a spectator sport. Get in the mix and see what change you can make, especially if you dislike what is happening in front of you.


Tarot card: Justice

Fight for what is right. Life may feel unfair today. There might be situations or people who appear to be playing outside of the rules. Call it out. Don’t be a passive bystander. Use your voice and be heard.


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