Daily Tarotscopes – May 25, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – May 25, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Thursday, May 25, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Emperor

Be brave, Aries. Today there are a few situations that make you feel as though you’re under the microscope. Being scrutinized is never a pleasant feeling, but you can show how amazing you are despite the negative energy you face today. See this as a chance to show your stuff!


Tarot card: The Hermit, reversed

Turn it up, Taurus. Life can be muted if you don’t share your thoughts loud and clear. Today, speak up and say what you need to say. Don’t mince your words.


Tarot card: Temperance

Be patient with yourself, Gemini. There is never a time when you’ll get it all right each and every time. So laugh at yourself when you can, and when you can’t see the moment as an opportunity to learn.


Tarot card: The High Priestess, reversed

Think about it a bit, Cancer. You may not understand the full picture. See what you’re missing by asking lots of questions. Search things out and remain eternally curious.


Tarot card: The Empress

What do you want to be, Leo? You have big dreams about the future. You don’t have to remain where you are if you feel ready for a change. Today you pick your path.


Tarot card: The Tower

Find a problem? Be the first to give a solution, Virgo. There are always people willing to complain, but you can be different. You can be the person who finds a solid solution to every situation. You’re a problem solver.


Tarot card: Two of Wands

There’s a bit of confusion going on today. Life can get fuzzy when there’s too little time and not enough rest and reflection. Try to keep track of each thing that’s going on. Write down the details. Today is one of those days where micromanagement may be necessary, even if you dislike doing it.


Tarot card: Three of Swords, reversed

You thought someone stabbed you in the back, but what a relief to be wrong. It’s nice to see your fears not actualized. Admit when you were wrong, Scorpio. It’s good when your relationship works out and you can stop walking on pins and needles.


Tarot card: The Magician

There’s a trick up your sleeve, Sagittarius. Today you’re creatively talented and it allows you to show a fresh side to your personality. You can turn enemies into allies. Yes, you’re that charming today.


Tarot card: Three of Pentacles

You have a skill that can make you some money, Capricorn. Study how to monetize yourself and your work. With social media providing ample opportunities to earn a side income, there’s no reason not to give it a shot if you want to.


Tarot card: Four of Swords

There’s a lot to juggle today, and you’re going to be really busy! You will want to pencil in time for play. You don’t need to always be go-go-go. Today make time for rest and relaxation. You earned it!


Tarot card: Five of Pentacles, reversed

A dramatic problem finally resolves, and finances start to improve for you, Pisces. Now you can begin to rebuild your life on a more solid foundation. Things are only going to get better from here.


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