Daily Tarotscopes – May 13, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, May 13, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: Knight of Swords, reversed
You don’t have to keep doing what no longer feels right to you. It’s not easy to reverse a decision that you felt confident about in the past. You do have to admit a change of mind and feel differently than you did initially.
It’s going to require some adjustments on your part, but once time has passed, no one will likely think of this anymore, and you’re free.
Tarot card: Seven of Cups
The haze has lifted after a period of confusion, Taurus. When you’re dreaming about the future, you often project your vision into your day.
Now you can put your mind to doing what you believe in, you’ll see your dreams come true.
Tarot card: Queen of Wands, reversed
You respect more than ever now. You have let your guard down and your boundary fall for a bit, but now your confidence has returned. You’re feeling much stronger than you once did.
You were afraid to say what you think and feel. This time around, you’re in a much better position and have made much progress.
Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune
You make your own luck, Cancer. You don’t have to wait for someone to give you an opportunity. You create them for yourself.
Today you carve your own fate by taking the appropriate action steps. Don’t rush into things, instead be calculated and intentional — it will work out well.
Tarot card: King of Pentacles
Money is the name of the game, and you’re hungry for your piece of the pie. Today, you’re working harder than everyone else. As a result, you’re at the front of the race — leaving the competition in your dust. This is what you’ve been waiting for because you do love to win. It’s a great day because you feel like you’re at the top!
Tarot card: Three of Pentacles, reversed
Hang in there, Virgo. Today you may be tossing your hands up in the air asking, “Why do you even bother?” Work-related problems can have you struggle to see how valued you are. Today might not be the best day you’ve had in the workplace, but there’s a lesson to be learned and it’s a stepping stone in a new direction.
Tough times happen, and it’s a good reminder to live your life outside of the office and not to wrap your identity around where you earn your paycheck.
Tarot card: Queen of Cups, reversed
You’ve been thinking a lot lately and it’s out of worry. Try not to allow fear to distract you from doing something productive. Even if you can only do one single thing to move your life toward the direction you desire, choose to follow through. Step by step you’ll be closer to your goals.
Tarot card: Five of Cups, reversed
You’re done with allowing someone to hijack your emotions with guilt. You see through the shenanigans and you are over it.
Today you take responsibility for your life and you don’t fall back on the belief that people will change if you nag them. They change when they are ready.
Tarot card: King of Wands
You’ve got the drive and determination to succeed. Because you’re so hungry for what you want from life you’ll stop at nothing to get it. Today, you’re a force to be reckoned with, in all the best ways.
Tarot card: Ace of Cups
You’re tired so it can feel as though your emotions aren’t as accessible to you as before. You might not think you’re burning the candle at both ends. You might be though!
Take time to rest and unwind. See how you feel. Sometimes you don’t realize how hard you’ve been working until you slow down. It’s the weekend, so try to take it slow and enjoy a restful moment.
Tarot card: Ten of Swords
Ouch. This was a huge betrayal and you may feel completely blindsided. It can feel like you’ll never recover from the pain you’ve felt, but time really does heal all wounds. You will get through this, and be much better off because of your maturity and emotional growth.
Tarot card: Two of Wands, reversed
So things happened, and now you have to wait. You did not plan things out and as a result; life did not happen the way you hoped it would. You feel sad and disappointed, but this moment will not define you. You are going to be yourself and this will not change who you are at your core. It will only strengthen your resolve.
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