Daily Tarotscopes – March 8, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – March 8, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, March 8, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Empress

The heart knows what it wants. Life, people and problems can present challenges that push you to compromise your wants and desires.

Rather than pretend that you’re OK with changing your mind, be open and honest.

Tell someone how you truly feel and see whether or not you can coexist without changing anything.


Tarot card: Temperance

Don’t overthink things. You may be looking for signs and coincidences to confirm a fact you already know.

Some situations never get a full answer, but going along for the ride can reveal you were right to choose your path.


Tarot card: The Tower

Life throws you a curve ball today, but that does not mean you’ll have a terrible day.

The morning chaos can bring a few inconveniences, but later all the troubles you faced may have a shining opportunity you would not see had you not gone through these troubles.


Tarot card: The Star

Trust the universe, Cancer. Sometimes your fears scream so loudly that you can’t hear the voice of wisdom speak.

You may decide it’s OK to be afraid and to worry, but it’s best to take action even when your feelings tell you otherwise.


Tarot card: The Lovers

Your heart is divided. You love two things and think that they are both good for you.

One may be better, Leo, but as long as you continue to hold on to hope for your second option, you’ll never truly be satisfied with where you are.


Tarot card: Judgement

Miracles don’t always make sense. You might never have a chance to know why something worked out the way it did.

Your reasoning may be too small for such a great miracle. Give thanks anyway for having your prayer answered.


Tarot card: The Emperor

This tarot card often indicates that the day may be filled with anger and resentment. There’s a call to fight a matter and to resist compromise.

Today, you may feel called to take up a cause you want to support and talk publicly about.


Tarot card: The Magician

There’s a sweetness to knowing you can shapeshift into any situation at any time and still land on your feet.

Now, imagine what would happen if you could tap into all your creative talent and interests — all the amazing things you could accomplish.


Tarot card: The Sun

Wonderful things are coming your way, Sagittarius. A new day is dawning, and as you rise to greet the morning sun, you’ll see all the good in what wasn’t so great and all the wonderful in days that were the best times of your life.


Tarot card: The Hermit

If you want to travel by yourself, go for it. You never know what the world holds for you, and if it’s not easy to find a travel partner who can go along for the ride, stick close to home to do some of your adventurings.


Tarot card: Two of Swords

This card says life is confusing. You have two sides to a problem, and neither seems to make full sense. You’re stuck because you don’t know which to pick. Perhaps ask someone else to help you make a final decision.


Tarot card: The Hierophant

Change is inevitable. You can try to hold on to what you know, but life constantly fluctuates. Today, you’ll need to adapt to what’s already out there. The old ways of doing things miss embracing what the new can do.


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