Daily Tarotscopes – March 7, 2025

Daily Tarotscopes – March 7, 2025

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Friday, March 7, 2025 by zodiac sign.


Queen of Pentacles, reversed Keep a level head at work today, Aries. Returning to the work-week grind can feel challenging, and you may wonder what the end goal is.  A boss or coworker may focus more on the result than people and relationships. One person’s shortcomings do not have to become yours. Stay true to your own moral compass.


Nine of Pentacles, reversed Experiences are stepping stones, not people or existing relationships. Exercise caution when you feel that a person views your clout as an opportunity to expand their territory or influence.  Some situations make it easy to take advantage of others; however, be open about what you think or feel. You may realize the potential for an exploitative situation, so stop it before it begins.


Six of Wands You have a great mind, Gemini, and you are a problem-solver. You are naturally full of ideas that help move projects forward. Wherever you are, if something is wrong, you’re there to fix it and make life better for everyone.  Today, pat yourself on the back for all the hard work and effort you put into your job and at home. You deserve to be acknowledged from others, but you also ought to do so for yourself.


Five of Swords, reversed Ignore the haters, and when you hear someone online or in person gossiping, whether it be about celebrity news or a person you actually know in real life, step away and ask yourself if it’s worth listening to. You may consider listening less to what others are talking about and turning a little more into your inner world. Sometimes, you have to be the bigger person and dismiss the things that are disinteresting to you.


The Priestess, reversed Can you tell the difference between a person who truly knows a subject and one who is making things up? This sensibility can be applied toward vetting suitable news sources online.  Don’t automatically take it as the gospel truth when you read something. Fact-check and do some digging. Make sure what you read is really rooted in facts.


Queen of Swords You can make great friends in high places, Virgo: today, power network. Be open to interaction with women who come from different backgrounds and interests.  When was the last time you attended a fundraiser or an event? Become more actively involved in new social circles. Mix and mingle with influential people and professionals in your community.


The Devil What temptations are you feeling weak about lately? Are you craving sweets or too much caffeine during the day? Do you want to speak your mind but think it’s wiser to bite your tongue and wait until you’re calm?  Today, learn to pause before doing things you are trying to stop. You can create long-term change five minutes at a time


Six of Swords You don’t have to continue a friendship or a partnership you know isn’t good for you, even if you’ve invested in it for years. People grow apart. Sometimes, people get busy with their lives, with less time to hang out and do things together.  The same can be true when you want to outgrow a relationship. Fill your time with new activities. Do things you think match your current goals instead of who you used to be in the past.


Ace of Pentacles Use what you have, Sagittarius. Are there any half-complete projects you ought to finish? Do you have goals you started but didn’t follow through on due to a lack of time or other things?  Today is day one of a new outlook, including doing what makes you happy. Make a decision. Commit to your dreams and don’t give up.


The Empress Your life is a type of teacher. People often observe you from a distance, taking mental notes of how you are and how you make them feel.  Do you want to be more active in charities or non-profit organizations? Do you want to share your experiences and help others in need? Volunteer. See how to make your vision a reality.


Nine of Cups Enjoy a little time in nature or do something that allows you to connect with raw, natural materials. Do you have a home garden? Prune your plants or tend to them and see what their needs are. Do you have nice weather today, and is it not too cold? Go for a walk? Get some sunshine and enjoy yourself. A little walk can clear your mind and get your mental juices flowing.


Five of Pentacles, reversed Wait. Some situations require you to do nothing, as much as you wish you felt more useful or in control.  You may be more productive by focusing on different things and letting someone know you’re there if needed, but you are OK with giving space if that’s what you must do.


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