Daily Tarotscopes – March 22, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – March 22, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Friday, March 22, 2024 by zodiac sign.


The Moon

This is the time to have insight when you are dealing with female native. There may be mood swings, or feeling of depression. Think with positive mind. Things look little gloomy for you, relations are troublesome, mental pressure and anxiety may over take you. Sister/mother’s health may be your major concern today. At work place your competitors are doing well giving you an envy feeling.


2 Wands

Your energy and stamina will be good. Go to real world meet-ups and events to build credibility and trust, and make new friends. The bond you make at this time would be of great benefits for you. Some good news from overseas is likely. Business of export and import if you are doing is very likely in the flourishing stream. Everything seems to be under control, have faith on your instincts.


Knight of Wands

Today is very hectic yet enjoyable day. You enjoy your work in spite of the nitty gritty that will keep on popping and make your work a bit difficult. You would like to bring changes in the interiors of the office/home. Make a bold step to express. You will pour your heart and soul into something and get the results. You should plan for a vacation. Life for you is fast whirling in coming days.


2 Swords

Too many activities will leave you stressed out and make you upset. Some kind of confusion and uncertainties would be created at work place. You may have to choose what your first priority is or what your long term goals are. Analyze the situation, all pros and cons before you come to any final decision. Love and life are entangled too and your current outlook is all the more stubborn.


King of Cups

You are very caring and take good care of others. Focus on the emotional well-being of others rather than relying on rational or logical explanation. Hug someone you care about. If you are male people will look after you for your support and nourishment. Take some time out for entertainment and socializing. Artistic interests will draw our attention. You may feel emotionally attached with someone.


6 Swords

Hi, Virgos!! Take time to match your goals with the means to reach them, set a schedule and stick to it. There are chances that you might put yourself in a tight corner and find it difficult to escape it. So work with your instincts. A plan to go out with the family may get finalized today. Ignore the tempting mails there could be cheating, students aspiring for study abroad shall be able to get the important work like visa, passport done.


King of pentacles

You may expect good gains in business. All the matters related to finances- bank loans, investment, installments, saving, deposits and expenditure will be the main goal to look after today. Money given could be recovered. You are methodical and gain progress one step at a time. Because of your sturdy and steadfast ways you could give financial security and protection to those who matter to you.


The Tower

This is a wake up time!!! This is not the time to continue with vulnerability. Things have not been working your way; no point of sticking to them if your comfort is based on an inadequate foundation of false thought, belief and action. You urgently need to change your business/ profession/relationship. Out of the blue, something happens that blows your mind or throws you for a loop. Organize yourself.


8 Cups

A feeling of detachment overtakes you. You feel tired and unable to generate any energy as there is severe emotional distress. If you are in job, feeling of saturation and no further growth could irritate you. It carries with it an urgent warning to attend to whatever is blocking your energy, and to try to create open channels to get things moving again. Some of you feel this energy in relationships too which may result in separation or break up.


8 Cups

Eliminating waste and inefficiency is important to you now. You feel tired and unable to generate any energy as there is severe emotional distress. It carries with it an urgent warning to attend to whatever is blocking your energy, and to try to create open channels to get things moving again. Some of you feel this energy in relationships too which may result in separation or break up. If single look forward for the reason.


Ace of Cups

You feel nice about yourself and are in jovial mood today. It shows your youthful, creative, free and inspired spirit. You are more likely to show or express your emotions now. You may be more emotional or moved by simple things. Do not be afraid to let your feelings show and to wear your heart on your sleeve. It is ok to be sentimental and romantic. Let your heart lead the way!


9 Pentacles

You are very positive and jubilant today. Emotional contentment, sensual pleasure and happiness in the relationships will mark your day. You may expect a wish comes true today. Those who are looking for partner, this is the right time when they meet the person of their choice. This is very good day to invest in property, buy a new house, going for an exotic place for vacation.


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