Daily Tarotscopes – March 22, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – March 22, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, March 22, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Temperance

Everything in moderation, Aries. When you love something, you *really* love it, making you want more and more of that item in your life. But today, moderation is your new best friend. Remember: less is almost always more.


Tarot card: The Chariot

It’s not easy rebuilding a reputation once an unpleasant experience has tainted it. But today, a sudden change in circumstance redeems you in a big way. What happened may never be forgotten, but a wonderful event can replace the memory people choose to remember you by.


Tarot card: The Star

It’s life-giving when you share your knowledge and give of yourself. When you help others, especially your friends, you improve their situation, and something changes inside of you, too. You feel better about yourself, and you stop thinking about your problems. Your focus turns to hope.


Tarot card: Strength

Work may be harder today than usual, yet you are ready for the challenge. No matter how challenging your work is, you prove yourself to be tough as nails and able to lead. This day may be the beginning of a great change in your career, perhaps leading to a promotion.


Tarot card: Judgement

Trust yourself. You can tell a good thing when you see it, and when everyone else leaves you, doubting your common sense and good judgment, stand strong. Stubbornness can be viewed as an ugly trait to possess unless, of course, you’re right when they are wrong.


Tarot card: The Hanged Man

You have been patient when others would have abandoned the ship and given up. You believe in your partner and know, in your heart, that they need your love and support to get through a tough time.


Tarot card: The Hermit

Look inward. You often give so much of yourself, and being social can be draining. Even you have a point where you need to pull back and rest. Today, spend some time alone and rest. Something good will happen when you allow yourself a day just for you.


Tarot card: The High Priestess

If you’re always around someone who refuses to hold their weight, it forces you to show your more masculine side. Today, you will want to balance things by showing your sweet and kind nature. Let someone else do the heavy lifting, even if it means the work doesn’t get done at all. How else will they learn if you’re always rushing to do more than your share of the work?


Tarot card: The Emperor

If you don’t have a little argument, is there really a deep bond between you and your partner? A small debate can have you wondering if you’re truly compatible, but you can learn through this problem and grow stronger as a couple than ever before.


Tarot card: The Fool

You knew this moment would come. You hoped you had more time to prepare, but life has a funny way of picking a time that’s the least convenient. You have to strike while the iron is hot. Now is the time to act, so trust the process.


Tarot card: The Tower

It only takes one word to change everything you once knew. A relationship you thought was rock solid now seems to be on the brink of disaster and demise. You thought you knew this person but didn’t know they felt this way. It’s hard to wrap your mind around the truth, but it is right before your eyes. Once your mind stops spinning, you’ll know what to do next.


Tarot card: The Sun

Beautiful things often come from dark times, and when you feel pushed to your limits, don’t give up, Pisces. This is when you want to double down on your investment. You want to work a little harder to make your dreams come true and get to where you need to go.


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