Daily Tarotscopes – March 21, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, March 21, 2023 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Devil
Don’t give in to temptation, Aries. It will be hard to resist texting an ex who still holds a place in your heart. The goodbye is still fresh in your mind, almost like yesterday. The truth is hard to accept, though.
You’re in love with the past, a distant memory. Even if you did get back together now, you’d be starting fresh. You both have changed, and it’s best to leave this alone. As the saying goes, “If he wanted to, he would.’
Tarot card: The World
Don’t believe the myth — luck only comes around once, and then you either hit your shot or you miss out. The truth is that luck comes around in many forms and variations. Every time you fail to hit the mark successfully, you learn a valuable lesson about yourself (and others).
You are growing more capable each day that passes. Luck becomes more powerful now, and that’s because now you’re ready to take the game of life to the next level. Time to play!
Tarot card: The Hierophant
Trust the process, Gemini. Good old-fashioned values are the glue that holds things together for you. When the walls are crashing, and the roof is caving in, your friendships help you hold it together.
Today’s tarot invites you to believe in yourself and your social circle and to know beyond a shadow of a doubt everything will be all right. You’ve got the best people in your corner, rooting for you.
Tarot card: The Fool
Your optimistic personality has you counting chickens before they are hatched, and while there is nothing wrong with believing in yourself, you also don’t want to assume that everything will go as planned.
Today could throw a curveball when you least expect it, but not without warning. Listen to your friends and people who watch out for you. They may see the red flag long before you do.
Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune
The stars are aligned in your favor, and you never know where fate may lend a hand. It could be today that you finally link up with someone super special, and things fall into place.
The perfect chemistry and all the right compatibilities. Rather than sit at home wondering if love will ever find you, put yourself out there to see if you find the one you’ve always wanted — in a click.
Tarot card: The Hermit
Don’t allow a moment in your past to define your tomorrow. You are beating yourself up for things you cannot change.
While you can do all you can to repair a relationship or try to make up for lost time, now you have to let it go. Today, live in the moment and leave the past where it belongs.
Tarot card: The Magician
While you can’t wave your arms in the air to magically change the things in your life that make you unhappy, you can create change with time. Slowly redefine yourself by changing the way you think and act. Just as one small, bad habit can move your life in the wrong direction, one good habit done consistently can turn your entire world around.
Tarot card: The High Priestess
In the quiet of the night, you can hear the sound of your inner voice louder than usual. Don’t ignore it. Give yourself a chance to work through the discomfort of fear, sadness, and even joy.
A spiritual experience can come to you when you have a dark night of the soul, and it can help you profoundly understand yourself.
Tarot card: Strength
Being strong doesn’t mean you never cry or always have the right answers. You can have a messy house, things out of sorts, and be strong.
Today, you’re holding things together the best you can, which is a testimony of your strength and resilience. Celebrate this moment, and even if your life doesn’t look picture perfect.
Tarot card: Judgement
That person who always seems to push your buttons and cause crazy making can try to get under your skin today, but you are so much better than that.
You see beyond their shenanigans. Don’t doubt yourself even if they rock your confidence a little bit. Don’t let them get beset of you.
Tarot card: The Chariot
You’re ready to dump someone, and yet, a part of you feels too sorry for this person to hurt them deeply. You’re letting time pass and leading them on even though you don’t want to.
It is never easy to tell someone you’ve built a life with that your love has changed. Still, you can’t go on like this any longer. Give yourself a deadline. Prepare yourself emotionally to open up and say how you really feel. Being honest can feel unkind, but it’s the most loving thing to do.
Tarot card: The Moon
A liar does not change; they only find a new way to deceive you. There’s almost a type of sport to their deception, and when you catch a particular person being dishonest about the tiniest things that they don’t even need to lie about, make a mental note. This will only worsen, and you don’t want to fall into denial… it’s too hard to get out when you do.
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