Daily Tarotscopes – June 12, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, June 12, 2024 by zodiac sign.
Tarot card: The Moon, reversed
Being hurt in the past can create future trust issues — one of the many reasons you must protect your heart, Aries. As much as you’d like to believe in everyone, people can’t always be given the freedom to enter your life without time to know one another better. It can feel painful to set a boundary and not allow a person to get too close when you are feeling lonely, but you’ll save yourself from greater hurt and disappointment later if you allow them to earn that level of intimacy from you first.
Tarot card: The Emperor
Why fight? Survival mode can become your ‘go-to’ reaction when you’ve felt under attack or stressed for too long. You have to train your mind to recognize when nothing is truly wrong. Things can feel unsafe even when there is no perceived threat because you’ve felt under attack for some time. It’s a learning curve, but staying fully in the moment helps. Check-in with yourself when you start to feel edgy. You’ll soon retrain your emotions to choose peace because life is looking up.
Tarot card: King of Swords, reversed
Trust your instincts, Gemini. A relationship is supposed to be easy and progress forward. Sometimes, people try to take advantage of another person because they know there’s an opportunity to do so. Sometimes, your friends can see the red flags before you spot them, or maybe your heart is warning you, but you don’t want to listen because you’re afraid to be right. For now, ask yourself if actions and words match. If they don’t, question why.
Tarot card: Knight of Swords
Focus on your goal, but live a balanced life, too. You can become so driven to achieve a dream that your friendships, relationships and health may suffer. You don’t want to be the person who gets to where you want to be, but you are all alone. Set a realistic timeline, including a life well-lived: time spent with people you love, doing things you enjoy, and reaching your goals!
Tarot card: Death, reversed
Your life may feel like a movie right now. Things are changing and your main character energy is strong. Some funny moments may deserve to be written in a best-selling novel or film script. This time period of life needs to be journaled. You’re in an exciting time in your life, so document it.
Tarot card: Eight of Cups
Joy is something you can’t predict or create without an open heart. Your love cup is about to be filled with all the beauty of life around you. To receive it in a way that reaches your soul allows you to feel thankful and glad. Gratitude isn’t contagious for others; it’s something you can grasp for yourself if you want to. Just look around and see all the blessings the world has opened to you.
Tarot card: The Magician, reversed
You never lose your talents, but if underused they can feel dormant and lost. If you’re wondering whether or not you’ve still ‘got it’ all you need to do is start where you left off. Be patient with yourself. At first, you might not be as good as you were in the past. However, with time and dedication. you can get back to that sweet spot — and exceed it.
Tarot card: Page of Swords, reversed
Are you getting distracted? You may be looking at what everyone else seems to be doing on social media and wondering why your life isn’t turning out the way you hoped. Comparison is one of the quickest ways to unhappiness. Are you truly satisfied with what you have? If you are, don’t let others become the measuring stick of what you consider a well-lived life. Keep true to your own path.
Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles, reversed
When you bring your work home with you, mentally, emotionally or physically, it can wear on your sense of well-being. Try to leave your feelings and concerns about the office at the door. Learn to set it down until the next work shift. It will be there when you clock back in.
Tarot card: The Sun
Good things come to those who wait; when you are patient, you’ll feel the sweetness of success. You may go through the usual fears of doubt and worry when your relationship isn’t going as fast as you’d like. But you can’t rush a good thing. Getting to know someone is fun, and when you allow yourself to grow in love. A flash of love can burn out quickly. You desire a slow ember that leads to a lasting flame!
Tarot card: Two of Swords
Each day presents you with decisions to make. You might not know which options to choose, and uncertainty can lead to actions that aren’t helpful. Instead of making a snap choice, think things through. You don’t want to regret rushing into a job or quitting what you’ve started. You want to be sure what you are doing is right, now and in the future.
Tarot card: Judgement
Common sense is not always so common, and you may question whether or not a person in your life will ever learn. Their life experiences may not have allowed them to learn things you understand inherently. You may have a golden opportunity to help by teaching a few things. This could be a chance to build your relationship and bring you closer through trust and companionship.
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