Daily Tarotscopes – July 9, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 9, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, July 9, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Temperance

Your ability to adapt is what carries you through, Aries. You may not enjoy every circumstance, but your capacity to walk joyfully and persevere allows you to bear through the darkness and make it to the daylight again. Take heart when walking through hardships; they will not last forever.


Tarot card: Four of Swords

You may feel eager to continue moving forward, Taurus, but for you to do so to the best of your ability and with ultimate health in mind, you may need to implement rest here, too. This card serves as a reminder that rest is also productive. You cannot do and be all you are made to without it. This makes for a great time to be still, revive, and fill up your cup before embarking on the next thing. Remember that you are are not a machine, you are a human being.


Tarot card: Four of Pentacles

Bloom where you are planted, Gemini. It takes time for things worthwhile to build and grow. Don’t be discouraged if you have been watering for a little while and aren’t being rewarded just yet. This card reminds you to get immersed in the journey, and focus on the foundations. From there, everything will bloom. Get a clear vision on what you value and build upon that, Gemini.


Tarot card: The Empress

You have nurturing qualities, Cancer, and this card encourages you to tap into them. This is a great time to look around in your community and see where support or guidance can be offered. There might be someone younger than you who you can provide advice, a listening ear or comfort to. Look to the places you have walked before and realize how, through that fellow experience, you might be able to help others, too, even if it’s just through relatability.


Tarot card: Two of Pentacles

You may be doing a bit of a juggling act right now, Leo. Things are getting busy, and it’s keeping you on your toes. During this time, it’s a good idea to lean on your instincts to guide you through quick decisions. Otherwise, you have a high capacity to deal with situations and problems as long as you balance your energy and resources well. While you may not be able to control external situations, this is a beautiful time to cultivate what you can control. Focus on your thoughts, priorities, and cultivation of inner peace and wholeness.


Tarot card: Death

One thing coming to an end often means the rebirth of something else. This makes for a great time to grieve anything coming to a close, making a space that’s welcoming of what’s to come. Remember, Virgo, that what’s in front of you is always what’s better than what’s behind you. Cherish what you’ve had in the past while simultaneously believing for better for the future. You have so much in store for you, Virgo; don’t lose sight of that. Your ability to see it is often equated with your ability to seize it.


Tarot card: Justice, reversed

You may have the intent, Libra, but you might need accountability to help you reach your goals. Your strong desire for change is also competing with the strength of your previous habits. Having someone you can talk to and almost report to can assist you in remembering what you’re fighting for and build strength. This is a great time to reach out to friends to join you in good habits, like planning to take walks together or commit to something.


Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles

Good things come to those who wait, Scorpio. Crops need time, sunlight, and even rain to reach their fullness. This is a great time to admire the storms in your life, while may not be good in themselves, produce goodness and strength within you, serving a purpose. Additionally, take charge of the different factors in your life that contribute to your growth. Are you getting your spiritual “sunshine”?


Tarot card: Ten of Wands

It might be time for a little assessment, Sagittarius. This is a great time to acknowledge what you are currently investing your time in, and if it aligns with your goals. You might be getting caught up in smaller tasks that are of less value. It is beneficial for you to reflect on what is of high priority and high urgency. From there, you can tend to your responsibilities best.


Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles

You are so capable, Capricorn, only you need to see it. This card signifies the traits like strength, confidence, and leadership that are within you, but require you tapping into them for them to fully manifest. This makes for a great time to work towards aligning yourself with that true version of yourself. What makes you believe you are or aren’t those things?


Tarot card: Page of Cups

Good news and refreshment come just in time, Aquarius. This card reveals you may be receiving an invitation or promising news soon. You may also encounter someone with fresh optimism that reminds you of your youth and inspires you to cultivate those traits again. The world can wear you down, but returning to simplicity and joy can renew your spirit.


Tarot card: The Chariot

You can take the high road, Pisces, even when no one else does. This card celebrates your wins and growth, and encourages you to maintain integrity. Keep your high-minded approach to life and graceful dealing with others. This is also a great time to face inner conflicts and work on cultivating internal peace.


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