Daily Tarotscopes – July 6, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – July 6, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, July 6, 2022, by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Page of Cups

Vet what you hear, Aries. When someone provides you with information, it is still your responsibility to validate what you have heard. Be a fact-checker today and dive deeper into meanings before taking a message at face value.


Tarot card: Three of Pentacles

Be a good steward of your money. With the internet, there are so many resources out there to help you find creative ways to invest, save and cut back on unnecessary spending. Make being frugal a natural part of who you are.


Tarot card: Knight of Cups

Emotions can overpower you sometimes. You can be taken aback by how strongly you feel about a certain person or idea. When thoughts or opinions become overwhelming, don’t rush into anything. Be sure that you have thought things through and clearly.


Tarot card: The Chariot

Your ability to stick to a goal is tested, and it can be so tempting to let go of your dreams when life gets tough and you feel like you cannot go on. Lean on your faith. Believe in the possibilities and watch how everything seems to fall into place, even when you feel like you’re going to fail.


Tarot card: Ten of Swords

Everyone has days where every obstacle hits hard. You may feel like you are buried by life’s challenges. You might start getting so depressed that it feels impossible to pick up and start over again. Rest through this vulnerable moment. Nurse yourself back to strength, then, when you can return back to square one to start over again with determination.


Tarot card: Nine of Wands

Why is it that an ex always seems to contact you when you’re ready to move on? This can cause all sorts of confusion and pain for you. But, this moment may also provide you with an opportunity to see where you are weak and learn how to let go for good.


Tarot card: Two of Pentacles

If you have free time on your hands this week you may wonder how you ought to invest it. You may wonder if you should volunteer or if you should try and get some work done around the house. Don’t wing it or ‘go with the flow’, be intentional instead.


Tarot card: King of Wands

Being a leader is not easy, and it takes time to figure out what the people in your life need and how to play a supportive role. As someone who loves to empower others, your job today is to find that sweet spot where you give help but do not overstep any boundaries.


Tarot card: Ace of Wands

A fresh start and a clean slate are always exciting. You are standing at a crossroads where anything you conceive is possible for you. Don’t limit your dreams now, if you want something, it is within reach.


Tarot card: Knight of Pentacle

Are you getting ahead of yourself? With only 24 hours in a day, you’ll want to plan and be strategic. You will want to be sure that everything you need and want is ready for you when it’s time to get working and remain focused.


Tarot card: Five of Wands

Beginnings rarely run smoothly. You can plan everything out and still hit a snag. Try to see moments of inconvenience and tiny blessings in disguise. You have an opportunity early in the process to see where important tweaks need to be made. This is going to save you lots of time in the end.


Tarot card: Seven of Wands

You need peace and quiet to get into your thoughts. Today, keep to yourself a little bit in order to regain a sense of clarity and understanding about your life. Be willing to ask for time if you need it.