Daily Tarotscopes – July 29, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 29, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Monday, July 29, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Tower

A new day, and maybe you will experience a new problem. Something fresh from the universe that is a blessing of sorts in disguise. While you might be quick to react, try not to lose your cool or perspective during tough times.

Can you see any good in this mishap of fate? Did it cause you to appreciate a person, blessing, or opportunity to create a new routine? Life sometimes hands you a curve ball to learn a new way to be. You will ace this test from the universe with flying colors, Aries!


Tarot card: Strength

You have many strong traits, and one of them is that you can and often do rise to the occasion with class and tact. Today, you may need to demonstrate your courageous side.

Even if you don’t feel you can stand up for yourself or confront a problem, you do. When you flex your emotional and mental muscles, things start to change. You’re fierce, Taurus. You can do what needs to be done today.


Tarot card: Ten of Swords, reversed

A few people go through life’s difficulties, and sadly, they never learn to change. They don’t try to embrace any lessons and get stuck in untrue beliefs about themselves. They don’t even see their role in a problem.

You may encounter a person with a resistant mindset today. As a mutual, flexible thinker, this could frustrate you, but be careful. You don’t want to try to change a person who has no desire to change. You may need to walk away and follow the mantra, “Live and let live.’


Tarot card: Seven of Cups, reversed

You are lucky, Cancer. You are being gifted the brass ring today, and this tarot card indicates you might get many more. You will have an abundance of opportunities come to you, and the end result could be something you wouldn’t expect: overwhelm.

You may not know which path to take or what to accept. Having too much offered to you can lead to confusion. Try to stay clear-minded. Listen to your heart. It can help you know which path is best for you so you can choose wisely.


Tarot card: Two of Swords

Do you need a life partner? You don’t have to pick someone who is just like you. It’s probably best to find someone a little different from you. Differences bring a balance of traits into the relationship.

You may enjoy learning from each other, even if you bump heads figuring out how to blend your diverse points of view. This can be a great time of growth. I look forward to it.


Tarot card: Queen of Cups

You’re a generous giver, Virgo. You may not have deep pockets, but you can give what you have. You are generous and kind, particularly because you have been someone in need.

Your intuitive side easily picks up when people are going through tough times. Today, you’ll look for opportunities to make life easier for others because you have such a great, big heart.


Tarot card: Ten of Wands, reversed

Are you in denial? It’s time to take off your rose-colored glasses to see things as they are. You may want and long to see the good in a person, but the writing is on the wall. There are flaws.

Flaws don’t make a person ‘bad,’ but it does mean there’s work to be done. What can you do? You can lovingly bring things to their attention and encouragingly ask for change. Be patient. Things take time.


Tarot card: Queen of Wands

You are full of surprises, and when it comes to being underestimated, it happens occasionally. Today, you’ll roll up your sleeves to show the world what you’re made of.

You may be on a down note this week, but your comeback game is strong. Go, go, Scorpio!


Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles

You’re looking forward to a new day because it offers a fresh start. The canvas is clean, Sagittarius. You get to create whatever you desire — straight from the heart.

Nothing is holding you back from making the life you want to live. You have to dream, work hard, and imagine the future. Take this day and then repeat your actions one step at a time.


Tarot card: Five of Pentacles, reversed

Single and looking to mingle? Love is looking up. Life is getting better for you in the romance department. At first, you may have hated being back in the dating scene, but you’ll hit your stride and find it’s much easier to navigate now.

Set a few base rules for your standards, and stick to them. With each date — and new person you meet — you learn.


Tarot card: Ace of Cups, reversed

What’s your primary focus, Aquarius? Are you solving problems for others and neglecting your own life? It happens sometimes. This tarot card is a gentle reminder to regroup.

Rethink how you spend your time and schedule. Give yourself a little more time for your own life. People will understand if you need to make alternative arrangements. Rather than put your needs on hold much longer, put your life first.


Tarot card: Page of Swords

What are you dreaming of? To make your wishes and dreams come true, you need to work to make them come true. Have a deep commitment to your vision. Write your goal down.

Set a date that you hope to attain it. Create a vision board if that helps you to conceptualize what you desire. Be willing to go all in and design the life you want to live.


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